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Does he regret dumping me now Ihave a modelling contract, or does he really hate me?

Tagged as: Breaking up<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 January 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 31 January 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I've just been dumped by a Pakistani boy who I've been with on and off for about a year.

He's tried to dump me a few times before, but he'd always come back to me.

Anyway he told me he'd met someone else and he wanted to be with her, so he dumped me again.

I'm in college but I also model, and today I got a phonecall from a modelling agency telling me they want me to work for them full time in the summer, and because I've been so close with this guy for so long I immediately texted him to tell him because I was so excited, and he text me back and said 'HAHA, YOUR GNA HAVE TO TRY HARDER THAN THAT TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD YOU STUPID BITCH. YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK. YOU PATHETIC SLAG.'

What the hell is this?

I haven't replied, I'm not the type of person to argue and swear and namecall, but it's so not like him to say any of that.

Is he regretting dumping me and is getting all defensive now that I've got a modelling contract or does he actually just hate me?

I'm really hurt, and I've never been spoken to like that before, not least by someone who I thought loved me.

Please help me, I still love him and i don't know what to do x

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A male reader, Red Green 0289 United States +, writes (31 January 2010):

why do you care, he's an a**hole... forget him... live your life, and laugh everyday that he's not part of it! REJOICE!

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A female reader, ~Maureen United States +, writes (31 January 2010):

Wow! After getting a text like that, you should feel VERY blessed that you didn't end up with that loser. Shake it off honey and go on with your fabulous life!

Word to the Wise: Sometimes men react badly when women give them what they want too soon. You lose value in their eyes when you sleep with them...and they assume you are a "slag" whatever the hell that means. Stay virginal until you find that perfect healthy MAN who treats you like a queen. THEN get the married first. Doing it the other way feels good at the time but pleasures pass...and self-esteem plummets when we give ourselves to people who are using us.



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A male reader, anonymous, writes (30 January 2010):

why are you even wasting your time with this idiot?

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (30 January 2010):

He's a big asshole, is what he is. You love a guy who genuinely is the one of the crappest on earth. He doesn't love you at all, that's the point. He's dumped you three of four times. He's used you. He just doesn't care about you in the slightest. My advice? End all contact with him. He won't change, he won't love you, and he never will look at you with any kind of respect. End all contact and move on.

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A female reader, visione United States +, writes (30 January 2010):

visione agony auntHow long has it been since you two broke up again? Usually after break ups you want to try to remain in no contact. He might be reacting because it wasn't expected and he doesn't really want to be contacted - he thinks you are only saying that to him to get back him, to make him feel bad he left you.

If he keeps dumping you like that he obviously doesn't respect your emotions - you should move on and find someone better. Also, you should just start no contact now and not even reply to that text.

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