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Confession on face book has let people know who my crush is!

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Question - (21 April 2013) 4 Answers - (Newest, 22 April 2013)
A female India age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I'd posted a very embarrassing personal confession in a confession group on FB, and then shared it on my profile to keep it in view.It was about an incident about a senior at college and how I had developed a crush on him.

A classmate saw the shared confession and made a comment tagging a few other friends.After seeing her comment, I deleted it(the confession) immediately from my wall.

Now, the confession was anonymous, but the way I'd described my crush and the incident surrounding him was quite identifiable to everyone from our college, and they had a faint suspicion about my crush.To make things worse, the friend who saw it is a chief gossip-monger.And I've written all sorts of personal embarrassing stuff about my fantasies and daydreams. Now all the rumours get confirmed. What do it do? Share it back? Or let it remain deleted? HELP!

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A female reader, Got Issues United Kingdom +, writes (22 April 2013):

Got Issues agony auntPeople you are friends with on Facebook (not necessarily the same as being friends in real life) probably started reading it because you had linked to it and then realised that it might be about someone they knew and so it became juicy gossip. If you write something that you want to read again, just save a copy on your desktop or something.

The gossip will die down soon enough and I'm sure you won't do the same thing again, but remember that the internet can be a very dangerous thing.

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (22 April 2013):

CindyCares agony aunt Uh ? why so piqued OP ? I don't get how reminding you of a technical detail is " judgemental ". You may have excellent reasons , practical or otherwise, to share a post, yet the fact remains that you can only hope, never be sure it does not get shared and circulated to other people, including those who are not supposed to know about it. As you have seen , alas occasionally hope is not enough.

Anyhow, if the rumors bother you, I'd leave it deleted for a while, until the rumors subside. Which will be quite fast if you don't repost right away reminding the same people of the issue. Allow a couple of weeks or so for the gossips to die down, then it's up to you if risking once more or start sharing a little less.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 April 2013):

This is the original poster.I'd posted my problem with the hope of getting sound advice. NOT the judgmental, snide and insensitive shite I see on now. By the way, I'd shared the post with the hope that NO ONE would read it since it was VERY long, and mainly because I didn't want to dig it up everytime from thousands of posts. But thank you. Bye.

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A female reader, Adeboyefa Nigeria +, writes (22 April 2013):

Adeboyefa agony auntDon't you know what it means to share a post? The moment you share a post,all your Facebook friends will see the post along with your name on their walls. If they too decide to share and their friends too decide to share,your post could end up with perfect strangers. I have seen posts from perfect strangers (people I have no mutual friends with) on my wall just because my friend saw and shared them.

I hope you have learnt your lesson and would keep your secret thoughts to yourself next time. Facebook is a public place,not your private diary.

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