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Can't get over him? what do I do?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 July 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 8 July 2009)
A female Netherlands age 30-35, *elia89 writes:

oke, this was my first boyfriend. We met at college and he was the first boy I kissed and had sex with. I wanted to wait for someone that I thought was special and he was.

He is in the same group of friends as I am in college. At the beginning this was a very positive thing. This is how he got to know me and I him. He knew everything about me and I about him before we even were a couple. After 3 months of flirting and stuff he finely ‘dared’ to kiss me because he also knew I never kissed someone so (and I quote) “ I wanted to make sure I really liked you and wanted to know if this would go somewhere.”

Our relationship only lasted for 3 months but it felt for so much longer and it felt so right.

But now 2 months later I’m still very upset. At the first month I had to see him because he is in the same group of friends as I am and in the same classes. But now (just a week ago) started a vacation and it will last for 6 weeks. I thought I would be able to forget him now I don’t see him every day but is still hard. I look at his facebook page and if I see a new girl on it, I immediately check if she is single if she is I get so upset! I feel so stupid! I know because we are in the same group of friends I eventually will see him with another girl. But how things are looking I don’t think I will ever get over him. True, he was my first well… everything. Our real relationship only lasted for about 2 months before he called it quits. I must say the last 2 weeks he became a bit distant with me but I thought it was just because he had some very very big problems (he wouldn’t tell me what). But I hoped that when his problems were over every thing would return back to normal. But it didn’t

I hope someone can help me get over him, please!

Thanx al lot

[Moderator's note: It is important to know the reason of your break up, please update us.]

View related questions: facebook, flirt

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A female reader, Anonymousgirl831 United Kingdom +, writes (8 July 2009):

hey there. I have been in the same position as you hun, i know its hard, I was with someone almost a year and a half when we broke up, I didnt think i would ever get over him, he cheated on me with my best friend and i never forgave him and still to this day dont forgive him, all i did, i made sure i ouldnt be reminded of him, i deleted his number from my phone, deleted him from any sites we were friends on e.g facebook and things like that. And eventually i got over him, and now i am with someone i love so much we have been together almost 2 years now and were very happy, you just have to forget abuot him, take him off any friends websites you have him on, because they are a git for getting you wound up when you check up with them, I know trust me, this thing with you habging around with him in your college classes and group of friends, just try and be friends, but dont be too friendly, talk to him when he talks to you, dont completely push him away, but while you are on vacation try to do things to take your mind off the thing thats really getting to you, go out with your family or read a book, something thats going to help take your mind of thinking about him, i did all these things and it worked for me and now im in a relationship of my own, just try it and see if it works :)

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