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Bit obssesed over my ex and the fact hes now dating the friend that hated me!!

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Question - (7 December 2006) 2 Answers - (Newest, 7 December 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

When my ex and I were still together he introduced me to a friend of his who used to live in our town until she moved to Australia, but now she's moved back (lets call her Pom). She took an immidiate disliking to me, which is unusual in my ex's mates. However, now that my bf and I have broken up he's told me that she's now declared her love for him. This didn't suprise me, and explained why she was a bitch when I was with him. I'm still in close but irregular contact with my ex, we keep meeting up for a chat and fooling around. I hadn't seen him for two weeks until yesterday when I saw him with her. I 'accidentally' bumped into them and ended up having a good half hour chat with him, in which Pom looked very pissed off, as he was flirting with me, reminiscing over when we were together, and doing her down, calling her fat etc. He made a point of saying they were now going out.

My ex and I are the perfect couple, we get on amazingly well and know eachother inside out and can practically read eachother's thoughts, and I want to be with him again. There's two things that have been stopping me; I'm unwell, on mild anti-depressants and so I don't feel I should be in a relationship right now, even though I know it will probably make me feel happier. Also, since we broke up he's gone back to being a complete womaniser, as he was before we were together. He's had 3 or 4 girlfriends in the past month or two, which is pretty average for him (we've had an on/off relationship for a year). I have been the reason for one of his break ups, as his girlfriend at the time said no sex until it's a serious relationship and he said that I can fulfil his sexual needs so he'll just go back to me. I imagine the way he acted towards me yesterday created tension between him and Pom, which makes me secretly very happy.

I'm angry because I know that we should be together and I think his girlfriends all see it to. He hasn't been able to keep a relationship going for longer than about 2 weeks since we broke up, and I'm fascinated to see how long Pom will last, as she loves him and they've known eachother as friends for years, but I think he's only with her because her loving him is an ego massage for him, as they didn't behave like a couple at all, they were just like they were when they were friends. I'm still really scared though, because my 'plan' was to secretly keep a close eye on his relationships to see if he is maturing and acting more like he was when we were together. His relationship with Pom will either not work because they see eachother as friends, or will work amazingly well because they know eachother. The problem is, if it works then that makes me believe that things could work between him and myself, however, it would also mean that he's in a decent relationship with someone other than myself. What can I do?

View related questions: broke up, flirt, my ex, womaniser

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A female reader, AngelofLove United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2006):

AngelofLove agony auntYour ex and you are not the perfect couple if you are not together as a couple and he is going out with another.

You should not be fooling around with him, knowing he is with another. Was the situation reversed before she moved to Australia?

This guy is clearly waiting for you hence why his relationships do not last. If you fool around and still love him, just get together properly.

Being spitfull to another girl is not Cool! Regardless if she was bitch to you before or not. Controlling his relationships and playing games is more stressful than to work at a relationship surely.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2006):

You really do have an obsession with this guy, don't you?!

For a start, I can understand that you really like him but thinking tht you and him are better suited than other girlfriend he's had is a bit..... Stuck up???

Pom and him might be really happy together and their relationship might really develop. I can totally understand why you're upset but there are more guys out there who you can love and do you want to spoil what could be chance for him to be really happy?

Don't let jealousy spoil anything; even thought Pom did; don't stoop to her level.

You and you're ex can still be really close friends and you never know, they may still spilt up yet.

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