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I need to hide a hickey from my parents, so they don't know where I've been!

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Question - (30 July 2006) 35 Answers - (Newest, 10 November 2013)
A , *obinlovescena writes:

hi... I really need help and fast. I spent the weekend with my boyfriend. My parents don't know about it and if they had ever found out that I would be in so much trouble.

I got away with them not finding out that I was with him. The only thing that could keep me from getting in trouble is this huge hickey that is on my lower neck. My question is that I would like to know how to hide it, make it go away and if I do do get caught with it, I need an excuse to go along. Anyone have any suggestions....

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2013):

So I'm 14 and got really drunk with my bestfriend. He was supposed to be with his girlfriend which makes all of this ten times worse. I have to go home to my parents and it is all over my neck and chest area. The comb thing works . It makes it look really red . Im about to try the ice and toothpaste thing . Good luck.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 April 2011):

So me and my boyfriend just went to a party and got drunk and did our thing and I have a hickey on my neck and other places too. What I do is put concealer and powder over it and since i am a twirled it just looked like I had a bruise

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A male reader, Smokeyxz United States +, writes (4 December 2010):

Am I the only guy with this problem lol?

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A female reader, CamiAzreal United States +, writes (19 June 2010):

CamiAzreal agony auntHey..

Uhm, im 13 and to hide yhur hickey yhu shuld:

Durinq the day, put liquid concealer on the hickey, and just the hickey. Then, after that dries, put powder on top and all around the area.

At niqht, before yhu qot to sleep, rub ice on it for about 5 minutes. Then, straiqht after that put chapstick on it. Wait about 10 minutes then put a thick layer of toothpaste on iht and put a bandaid over iht while yhu sleep ( ;

I know the person who asked this question's hickey is already qone, but this answer is for any other 'kids' just browsinq apoun thiss !

[trust me, it works..I have qotten rid of many hickeys usinq this method ;]

-Cami Azreal 3

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A female reader, Jaz_missThang United States +, writes (2 November 2008):


seriously okay so last night me and my boyfriend went to a party. we got really drunk and did our thing, well i woke up this morning and i had 3 HUGE hickeys on my neck.

Dont try to hide it. It makes things worse, but if you have to

try liquid concieler. and if that doesnt work, use powder and make sure to cover your entire neck.

and be careful!



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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (23 September 2008):

eyeswideopen agony auntI'm betting her hickey is gone by now...Sheesh!

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A female reader, haley.$ United States +, writes (23 September 2008):

I"m going threw the same thing i got it last night..:(

i'm sitting in class and trying to get rid of it .

my friend put cap stick on it i dont think it working tho :(

hellllppp me,

i want to be able to go to church && the fair and a party this weekend.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (3 June 2008):

pop your collar or try make-up!!!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 June 2008):


First you have to ice it for about 20 min 10 on 10 off ect.

Once your neck or wherever your hickey is ;) isnt cold/frozen anymore. take AA battery and rub it semi fermly on ur hickey. you can see it melting away. (rub until its gone or bout 2 min)


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 May 2008):

I actually am experiencing this problem as im typing this. I recieved the hickey last night and this morning i woke up and it was still there. I'm telling you, EXCUSES DONT WORK. i tried to say that someone chucked a ping pong ball at my neck but my mom saw right through me. My best advice is to talk to your mom one on one and tell her what happened. She most likely has been through the same experience, and will know what to do. There may be a little bit of tension but it will be worth it. The only thing my mom cared about was my reputation because i am only 13. Parents arent that much of a burden, they just want the best for you.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 May 2008):

i have seen various things to help such as first off concealer to help while its healing and also ice or frozen spoons or toothpaste, crushing up asprin and mixing it with visine and applying it to the hickey also combing it to spread out the blood vessels. hope it helps im trying them also.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 May 2008):

yeh i know

take the up of chap stick and rubb it to it come off it works

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 April 2008):

Well.....i have the same issue....i'm planning on scarves and make-up......

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 January 2008):

Okayy well I dont know if this will work for you but if they do find out just tell them you fell and hit your neak on your friends computer dest aha it worked forr mee

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (16 December 2007):

hey i see your problem, i gave my bf a hickey and am scared cause my parents will find out i gave him one! my suggestion if u have long hair trycovering it with that or try coverup(makeup) when u get to school ask a friend to put it on so no one at school will know. makeup worked with me. if u r caught just tell them the truth they will respect u more if u tell them the truth dont lie to them, youll just get in bigger trouble. If i were in your position i would just tell them straight up. Its your love life not theres. hope this helps, if u want email me at [email address blocked]



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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 December 2007):

Wear some sort of high polo necked sweater. x

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (2 December 2007):

hey yeah i know its really wierd i was having a problem hiding one from school cause at my school you can get into trouble for it but i found that ice works or belive it or not take an alkaline batery use the - side (the flat side) and firmly but not too firm rub it against your hickey for about 2 minutes and see if it works make sure the battery is AA or C sized

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 October 2007):


you can try to get rid of it by putting ice on it.

or you can take a chap-stick cap and scratch at it.

or even toothpaste works.

or put a cold spoon on it.



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A male reader, anonymous, writes (9 October 2007):

I think all of the 'kids' that have responded to this 'secret' forum are really needing some parental attention to go through antics in this nature to begin with. Maybe just ask Mom or Dad to give you a hug or take you out or play a game with you or just be there for you! Sex is not the answer and just be careful young ladies and gentlemen because sex can also take your young life and young adult life for a ride that will make you spinning. I am not saying this by example either because I didn't let this huge mistake take me for a spin and I am praying that you don't either. I have 4 children and my 21yo thanks me for being there for her and also being strict with her because it has made her a better young adult than most of her piers. God Bless all and use Him for all of your inner feelings and not the boy or girl sitting next to you.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 September 2007):


I'm 12. My boyfriend gave me one the other day, too. And now I have this big hickey on my neck, so I just keep a scarf on and say it's cold. lol It worked!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 June 2007):

I am currnely have this problem the spoon doenst work and the tooth paste sounds weird so i am going to do is tell my parents that i was eating something my friend wanted and she tryed to get it way from me and that my friend pinched my neck and twisted my skin...and it left the mark but thats the only thing I have to say cuz i am still searching for more answers

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 May 2007):

use greeen eye cancels it out. and you dont see itt

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 May 2007):

you should try the powder cover up.

it works better then the liquid concelier.

but if you put ice on it, then chapstick right after

you get it. It will go away quicker. Im 12, and my boyfriend

gave me one the other day. HA, it was stupid i got caught because i had my hair up, and i forgott to cover it. But also try polos, and pop your coller. And if you put concelier, or powder on it, made sure you do your whole neck, and just not the hickey. so it blends in better.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 April 2007):

umm.. wat i told my parents was tht is was a rash

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2007):

Your boyfriend still has a lot to learn... But tell him that the best lovers do not leave marks. For a young boy, leaving a hicky is like a little trophey for himself. He knows he did it, and knows that you'll think about him whenever you look in the mirror. Ok, I know you have to get it hidden for now... but next time, smack him and tell him to learn how to kiss better... to tantilize you, and give you goosebumps without the marks.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 April 2007):

put a band aid over it and say u got burned with a straightener.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 April 2007):

Dont rub ice!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll damage ur skin more!! make-up is by far the best thing if its summer,wear ur hair down too.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (2 April 2007):

use a layer of toothpaste and leave it on until it stops tingling, then apply a little bit of cover up, I just got a 6 inch long hickey on my upper chest and i was afraid my parents would kill me because i am only 13, but i did his and it worked good. and next time, have your bf do it somewhere not as noticable.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 February 2007):

does a cold spoon works because i heard that it's works , they say you place a cold spoon on the hickey and it makes it go away. So is that true?

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A female reader, bodylotion +, writes (1 August 2006):

bodylotion agony auntWell when i got an hickey before i pretended i had a sore throat and i wrapped a scarf around my neck.I also covered it with make up really thick.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 August 2006):

Try rubbing ice hard on your neck. That helps alot. I snuck out with my boyfriend and when I got home, I went to the restroom only to find a huge purple hickey on my neck!!! So I went into the kitchen and got some huge peices of ice and rubbed hard on my neck. I was doing that for about an hour until it got lighter and lighter. It still didnt go away, but most of the purple and dark redness was gone. I only had light red spots after i put the ice on. It went away enough to where if I applied some concealor on it, it wasnt noticable. Whew! That saved me from getting into trouble. I mean what was I going to tell my parents the mark was from if when they last saw me was before going to bed i had no mark and wakin up in the morning to see me with a huge purple hickey! But I took it off or most of it and just put some make up on it.

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A female reader, DEBS83 United Kingdom +, writes (31 July 2006):

DEBS83 agony aunttry make up or toothpaste than put makeup over it but the best thing to do is be honest wth your parents if you are aged 16 or over than there isnt a lot there can say but ull gain there trust if you tell um

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A female reader, uonlyliveonce United Kingdom +, writes (31 July 2006):

uonlyliveonce agony auntget some concealer and try to hide it with that it might work but depends how bad it is. and if you get caught say one of your friends did it playin around. but you should have just told your boyf not to do it because you would get in trouble with your parents.

i used to do this to my boyf all time when we were younger so that he would get hassle off his mum but yea they are ugly n kind of pointless

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A female reader, DrPsych United Kingdom +, writes (31 July 2006):

DrPsych agony auntMaybe I am getting old bites just ain't pretty! If the skin is broken make sure you keep it clean but you should be able to hide it with a high neck jumper - it should heal within a week or so. You should know that your boyfriend obviously doesn't care if your parents find out because he wouldn't have clamped his jaws around your neck otherwise. I don't know how old you are but at any age, hiding stuff nearly always comes back to haunt you sooner or later. Perhaps the best thing to do is to tell them you have a boyfriend - if they meet him and don't think you are sneaking off behind their backs then perhaps they will be calmer about it. If they think you are going to lie about your boyfriend then they may start to worry that you will lie about other stuff too. Basically parent-child relationships work better if they are based around trust - if they feel they can trust you, you get more freedom and in return you should respect some of their wishes too.

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A female reader, anon2907 Australia +, writes (31 July 2006):

anon2907 agony auntYou're going to have to be lucky not to get caught!!

Depending on the weather try:

- polo neck top

- girlie floaty scarf

Anyone asks tell them you're trying out new styles.

Don't let your parents see you in your pj's either cos you'd look daft in PJ's and a scarf.

Cover up rarely works well enough.

If you get caught you'd be better fessing up a conservative portion of the truth, say your saw the bf, but only for little while, not the whole weekend.

And next time if you really need a hickey - then try somewhere it can't be seen. I've never understood why sucking someone to make them bruise was a good thing.

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