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*odylotion agony aunt


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Hello everyone, im currently 16 years old, seventeen very soon. I've been on dearcupid for a while now and enjoy helping people out.

Im taken by my georgeous boyfriend...

I am a college student & love hanging out with my friends, & parties on weekends..

Bitches & two faced people tick me off MAJORLY!.

I enjoy helping people out, & im honest & truthful when answering questions. I stress my OWN opinions, no matter what anyone else thinks of them or me. I'm a nice person & enjoy meeting new people, if you want to chat :) ..

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My First Time

This question has 11 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
Newest answer was posted

29 July 2009: So your first times suppose to be special, right?. You dream about finding that one lad who will sweep you off your feet and make all your dreams come true? WRONG. I was 15, gulliable and young.So innocent.The only time i'd ever mentioned sex wa...

123Next > [3 pages, 75 answers]

My boyfriend wants to finger me!

Q.   Hi im 16 and my boyfriend really wants to finger me.oh im also a virgin and im not sure what to exoect?like do you bleed when he fingers you?What does he do after hes done?does he just go wash his fingers?or what?...

A.   3 April 2010: many people act very differently when they 'finger' their girlfriends. it is rare that you will bleed when getting 'fingered',however some woman act differently to others.however make sure you feel 100% comfortable with your boyfriend 'fingering' ... (read in full...)

Sorry... wrong hole!

Q.   Me and my GF were having sex last night and I slipped in to the wrong hole. Well she winced at first but didn't yell or object too strongly, so I rolled with the punches and continued in her rear. I thought it was great and she seemed to enjoy it ...

A.   3 April 2010: anal is very normal and many couples do it, however only when they are comfortbale with each other. i do understand how you accidently penetrated her anus at first however i feel she let you continue has she loves and cares about you and wanted your ... (read in full...)

I fancy my English Teacher

Q.   I am 15 and I have a crush on my 22 year old English Teacher! She is soo Hot! In lesssons she keeps looking at me and smileing? Why is that? Does she like me?...

A.   24 September 2009: Dont be silly, all you have is a schoolboy crush,for your teacher to like you would be against all schooling rules. The smiling is just your teacher being polite,the way she proberly treats ALL her students.... (read in full...)

I'm 24, she's 14 but she loves me and I don't want to hurt her

Q.   Hi i was looking for advice and found this site, I wrote my whole question out and it got deleted some how. So I have to write again, Basically this girl who is a close family friend came onto me while i was at a Summer BBQ at her house, asked...

A.   15 August 2009: your 24 shes 14. she isn't even legal yet. leave it. your to old simple.... (read in full...)

How can I get my boyfriend to trust me again?

Q.   I dunno what to do, i have been with my boyfriend on and off for about 2 - 2 1/2 years. We split for about 6 months in 2008 and i had no idea that in 2009 we would get back together. When we split after i while i decided to try dating again, and i ...

A.   31 July 2009: Your boyfriend is being totally outragous , stupid and totally jelous. You have done absolutley nothing wrong. You and your boyfriend were on a break at the time you met this new friend. Explain to your boyfriend you had no sexual or physical ... (read in full...)

Sibling sex

Q.   Hi, i read a post about a brother and sister having sex, at first i thought it was wrong but a lot of the replys where people that have had sex with there siblings and enjoyed it, and didn't have any long turm negative effects from it. Now i can't ...

A.   30 July 2009: Why on this EARTH would you want to have sex with your brother? Having sex with your brother sweety is illegal and just plain WRONG. Your only young so i can see why you would easily be confused, however don't do it. It's really simple. If you feel ... (read in full...)

Do you think she'll cheat and be with another guy?

Q.   Me and my girlfriend have been going out for 9 months. She is on holiday at the moment in Italy with her aunt, but she has gone camping, and has her own tent. For some reason, I keep thinking she is going to cheat on me, depsite the fact that she ...

A.   30 July 2009: When your ex cheated, your girlfriend now would of had no idea you two were going to get together, and she proberly was just being loyal to a friend. Don't hold this against her and presume she's going to cheat. Just because your ex cheated, does ... (read in full...)

He chats to other girls when we're online - what should I do?

Q.   my boyfriend is always flirting with other girls. i know it's his nature, because before we were just really good friends and he would also flirt with me and my other friends. we've been together for almost a year now. i've always had a slight ...

A.   30 July 2009: I completely understand were your comming from. I was once with a guy who always chatted to my friend online instead of me. I to got envious and always blamed my friend. Just explain to your boyfreind you don't enjoy it when hes flirting with girls ... (read in full...)

Do you think she'll cheat and be with another guy?

Q.   Me and my girlfriend have been going out for 9 months. She is on holiday at the moment in Italy with her aunt, but she has gone camping, and has her own tent. For some reason, I keep thinking she is going to cheat on me, depsite the fact that she ...

A.   30 July 2009: It's simple your paranoid. Beleive your girlfriend when she tells you she loves you. You obviously DO NOT trust your girlfriend which is a major issue in a relationship. No trust, is there really any point?. ... (read in full...)

He put his penis in me but we didn't have full intercourse. Am I still a virgin?

Q.   am i still a virgin? last night me and this boy were making out on his couch i was on top and he took off my pants and my underwear and then his. at first he was just fingering me and stuff then he put his penus in me and like it hurt really bad im ...

A.   30 July 2009: This isn't neccesserally true, if you don't want to class yourself as you've lost your virginity then you don't simple. Class yourself as what you like darling it's entirely up to you. ... (read in full...)

He put his penis in me but we didn't have full intercourse. Am I still a virgin?

Q.   am i still a virgin? last night me and this boy were making out on his couch i was on top and he took off my pants and my underwear and then his. at first he was just fingering me and stuff then he put his penus in me and like it hurt really bad im ...

A.   30 July 2009: Ok. This all depends on your version of losing your virginity. In my eyes, i would not class this as losing your virginty, however you may see it has you have. You don't always bleed after your first time, sometimes it can take 2 or 3 times before ... (read in full...)

Should I leave my boyfriend so I can ask another guy out?

Q.   this is gonna be long so be prepared.... I have a boyfriend that i have been dating for 5 months now. i know this sounds really bad but i met him cause he was my ex's best friend and he was on the football team with one of my best friends. I lo...

A.   30 July 2009: This is difficult as you are so young, but in all honesty what you are doing to your boyfriend isn't fair. He is only young and may be shy, he may also be wanting to take things slow in giving you kisses and touching you. Put yourself in his shoes, ... (read in full...)

Should I leave my boyfriend so I can ask another guy out?

Q.   this is gonna be long so be prepared.... I have a boyfriend that i have been dating for 5 months now. i know this sounds really bad but i met him cause he was my ex's best friend and he was on the football team with one of my best friends. I lo...

A.   30 July 2009: This is difficult as you are so young, but in all honesty what you are doing to your boyfriend isn't fair. He is only young and may be shy, he may also be wanting to take things slow in giving you kisses and touching you. Put yourself in his shoes, ... (read in full...)

What can I get him that's really special for his birthday?

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together for two years now and we both are seventeen years old. However, his birthday is coming up and I'm not sure on what I should get him. Last year I got him an ipod, and he's getting a new cell phone in November so ...

A.   30 July 2009: I happen to be in the exact same position as you. I've been asking around for a while, but now i have realised it isn't the cost of the present but the thought that counts. Your boyfriend will appreciate anything you give him , just because it comes ... (read in full...)

My First Time

Q.   So your first times suppose to be special, right?. You dream about finding that one lad who will sweep you off your feet and make all your dreams come true? WRONG. I was 15, gulliable and young.So innocent.The only time i'd ever mentioned sex wa...

A.   30 July 2009: Thanks for all the post. Eyeswideopen you pointed out the possiblities of STI's ect and i agree with them. However this is a true life experience of mine which fortunatly didn't involve me catching any sti's or becomming pregnant ect. Thankyou ever... (read in full...)

Why are boys like this?

Q.   I've been with my boyfriend for about 3 months now. He usually comes around mine and we will watch movies and play games. My siblings always seem to get in the way though. But whenever we are alone in a room, he will get on top of me and its like ...

A.   29 July 2009: Your boyfriend must not pressure you into anything you don't want to do. Tell him no. If he doesn't like it then he obviously isn't worth it. Your age says 13-15 so your not old enough to be having sex anyway. Take things slowly , it's your ... (read in full...)

What are the sings that your boyfriend is interested in his ex?

Q.   What are the sings that your boyfriend is interested in his ex? WHat are the signs that hes jealous that his ex might have a new boyfriend?...

A.   28 July 2009: The usual signs of this is when a lad starts to call his ex's new boyfriend, he says things such as 'he's ugly', and starts to brag more about his girlfried , throwing it in his ex's face. My ex is like this with me, but if your boyfriend is ... (read in full...)

He's addicted to granny/golden showers porn! Should I stay with him or leave?

Q.   Hey, Im pregnant, and quite happy with our relationship, but theres always something nagging in the back of my mind. My boyfriend never had a g/f before me, so he has always relied on porn. I can accept porn to an extent, i even like a bit of a ...

A.   7 November 2006: This a very unusual case,you say you have a healthy sex life but he likes porn.Well yes men do weather it be old or young woman or men in some case but not 14-15 year old girls.I dont think it is even leagal for girls that age to be porn stars.Just ... (read in full...)

I had a miscarriage, will this harm my body and can I have future children?

Q.   Hi, I had a miscarriage the other day and i am just interested if anybody knows if it harms my body in anyway or even damages my eggs at all?...

A.   18 August 2006: I shouldn't think so but do try and relax as it only happened the other day. however get to your gp and get youself checked over just to be sure as there is never an 100percent chance that someone is right.(aka me)... (read in full...)

I get to choose between 2 girls! How do I choose?

Q.   I have a tricky situation. In brief..... I really like two girls. One called Girl A, and one called Girb B. Myself and Girl A have like each other since we met 4 years ago and have been seeing each other on and off since. I met Girl B 3 weeks ago in ...

A.   1 August 2006: This isnt right.You cant just pick and choose who's emotions you play with and which girl you want.My advice is dont go out with any of these girls and find a new one.That way you can still be freinds with them both but nothing serious.Also these ... (read in full...)

I get to choose between 2 girls! How do I choose?

Q.   I have a tricky situation. In brief..... I really like two girls. One called Girl A, and one called Girb B. Myself and Girl A have like each other since we met 4 years ago and have been seeing each other on and off since. I met Girl B 3 weeks ago in ...

A.   1 August 2006: This isnt right.You cant just pick and choose who's emotions you play with and which girl you want.My advice is dont go out with any of these girls and find a new one.That way you can still be freinds with them both but nothing serious.Also these ... (read in full...)

I need to hide a hickey from my parents, so they don't know where I've been!

Q.   hi... I really need help and fast. I spent the weekend with my boyfriend. My parents don't know about it and if they had ever found out that I would be in so much trouble. I got away with them not finding out that I was with him. The only thing th...

A.   1 August 2006: Well when i got an hickey before i pretended i had a sore throat and i wrapped a scarf around my neck.I also covered it with make up really thick.... (read in full...)

My pregnant girlfriend says she want's to be a single mum

Q.   i'm 17 and my gf is 15. she has just found out that she is pregnant. we did have safe sex but obviously not safe enough. we have been seeing each other for almost two years now and i'll admit that i love her very much. she says that she is going to ...

A.   1 August 2006: It is obvious this girl doesn't want you and she is now using the baby as an excuse.But the baby is yours and even if you and the babies mother arn't together you still have rites to see this child.If you cant get in touch with her is there no way ... (read in full...)

Im 15 hes 21, I think hes too old, but chat alot anyway, plus my friend also fancies him!!

Q.   hi i am 15 and i like this 20 yar old we talk all the time and we get on really well but the thing is that i think he is to old for me. My mates say that it doesnt really mater what age they are. He tells me that he is in to me and that he fancys me ...

A.   1 August 2006: You are right this man is far to old for you.He is an adult you are still a teenager.Also phone sex isnt really that bad and it may make you feel mature but at the end of the day this man will soon want real sex with you.Think about it wen you were ... (read in full...)

I get nervous talking to my BF on the phone!

Q.   I am 12, almost 13, and I am have been going out with my very first boyfriend for about four months now. It is summer vacation now and my boyfriend and I have been calling each other. I am not the type of person who enjoys talking on the phone, but ...

A.   1 August 2006: I do that to.Its very hard on the phone as you dont know what they are doing.Well try relaxing and sitting down.Dont stand up and think about him and what he may be doing.Just speak to him as you normally would.Remember he proberly feels just like... (read in full...)

Scared to have sex since I lost my baby

Q.   5-6years ago i fell preganent. And i lost my baby at 7-8 months. I've been with me man for 4 years. I'm so scared to have sex. I think about making love every day. But i'm to scared. How can i not be scared???? ...

A.   1 August 2006: It is really normal to be scared of having sex after your baby was lost but if you dont want to get pregnant then use a condom.Just because you have sex it doesn't mean you have to get pregnant does it?Also you could use counciling which will help ... (read in full...)

At first it lasted for hours, now it lasts minutes... Is this a sign he's going off me?

Q.   I have been with my boyfriend a year. When we first met, usually between 2-4 times a week, we would be having sex several times a night and again in the morning. These sessions seemed to last forever. We would be all over each other as soon as we ...

A.   14 July 2006: I dont think he has gone off you i think that he may be expieriencing some sort of stress realted time.Confront him about this and see what he says.There may be nothing wrong.But if there wasnt he wouldnt be botherig about weather he was satisfyig ... (read in full...)

Im really upset about his sexual past and feel im not good enough!!

Q.   My boyfriends sexual past is ruining our future. He's slept with over 100 women and it just kills me that it's so many. He's been with prostitues as well. I am a very insecure person and I think I can't satisfy him like they did. He says he's never ...

A.   14 July 2006: Dont be so silly.Try not to put yourself down.If he says he loves you then take his word for it.But dont try to be better then the others just be like yourself.Make sure you have considered everything before you go ahead and form a more serious ... (read in full...)

My folks want to send my 24yo paramour to jail, because I got pregnant!

Q.   I'm a 15 year old female. And I had sex with a 24 year old male. I just found out I'm pregnant. My parents want to send him to jail. But can I just lie to the doctors, etc? I dont want him to go to jail. What do I do?...

A.   14 July 2006: Im sorry but this man weather you like it or not is your babies dad and you will have to tell everyone he is or who else are you going to say it is?Also 15 is a very young age to be aving a baby.Are you sure you want to keep it?This way you wont ... (read in full...)

He's a good friend, and we've been out together. But how can I persuade him to make it a proper date?

Q.   I broke up with my boyfriend of 10 years a month ago and I was very depressed. A friend of mine (we were not close) offered to keep me company, so that I wouldn't dwell on the past. He offered thrice and I eventually took up the offer and we went ...

A.   14 July 2006: I think this so called freind is just using you for one thing.Not meaning to offend you or upset you but it is a large posibility.Dont make any sudden moves on this guy you just broke up with your boyfreind.Enjoy your bit of time you have to ... (read in full...)

My grandchild is very nosy and she doesn't understand somethings just aren't her business!

Q.   Hi i have ten grandchildren who i love to bits and i know they love me. each one of them has their own individual personality, however one of them worries me. the grandaughter in question is a thirteen year old busy body who spends all of her days ...

A.   3 April 2006: I understand your problem as i come from a family who as a child who has the same behavour.She as resantly stoppped as she has got older but she was really bad at 8 and 9.Your grandaughter is at an age were she shouldn't be doing this but don't just ... (read in full...)

Found out my boyfriend has been seeing strippers... And they're men!

Q.   Hi there, I am a 23 year old girl from the West Midlands. My boyfriend is 24 and I have found out recently that he has been spending loads of money on going to see male strippers - after finding receipts in his jacket. I also found photos of him hu...

A.   3 April 2006: Mabe he likes the company of men around him.Mabe he gets excited around them or mabe he was just planning a laugh with his mates.Another thing could be that,well not something a girlfreind wants to ear but mabe her could be gay and be having some ... (read in full...)

Lost my way and ended up sleeping with my ex...

Q.   I've been in a relationship a while with a girl, I stopped giving advice and visiting dear cupid incase it freaked her out, but now I need help. With my new girl Claire, there just isnt a spark. We kiss, and it's good, we hug, and mess about, but ...

A.   3 April 2006: First of all why are you with clair?It's unfair to keep the relationship between you going if their is no spark.Tell her how you feel and explain your situation.Also you slept with your freinds girfreind.Tell him as he would proberly get told anyw... (read in full...)

I cry myself to sleep because I'd *love* to be a teenager in America... And not stuck in this miserable Northern, English dump

Q.   Hiya I don't know what do about this, but I'm really unhappy. At my school in a poorer area of Northern England, the girls are all really bitchy and unkind and the boys don't want to know you if you aren't a slut. At the beginning of Y7 (my firs...

A.   3 April 2006: These people are acters and actresses.Also the dream of being a cheerleader you can become one this country.I was a cheerleaderut i left after a few weeks as they were all bitchy towards me.So don't just think because they look good and nice on tv.T... (read in full...)

My mom won't let me do anything!!

Q.   hello there! im a teen in need of help. Me and my mom used to get along very well but everything is so different. Now that im 15 (turning 16 real soon) she treats me different. She's very old fashion and girl/boy relationships are new to her. She ...

A.   1 April 2006: All mothers are protective.But as you said that your mot wasn't bothered before so why is she now?Mabe something has happened which you haven't relised.Talk to her and ask her why she has changed.Mabe she'll say she hasn't but mabe she will give... (read in full...)

Unhappy with him or unhappy without?

Q.   Hey. Im 17 and my boyfriends 18, we've been dating over a year now and ever since the begining our relationshi has had problems. Alot of them have involved his ex and im so sick of it. He lies to me, and treats me horriably. i want to break up with ...

A.   1 April 2006: You need to get out of this relationship.No matter what you will feel without him you will feel double if you stay. You don't deserve be treated horribly.Your still young and there are plenty more fish in the sea.Once you feel over the relation... (read in full...)

This split is DESTROYING me, please help!

Q.   My girlfriend broke it off a while ago and it seems that I just can't get over her... I love her to death but I know that I have to get over it because it's not the same way for her. Everybody tells me time will fix things but it just seems...

A.   1 April 2006: I no this may seem hard to do but stop thinking and hopeing.This relationship was never going to work.Theres no if's what's or anything about it.You shouldn't let this get you down.Try seeing a councerler if your feelings for her keep getting you ... (read in full...)

I'm too young for sex. What other options do I have?

Q.   Dear Agony Aunt, I'm 12 and i really want to have sex but I'm too young. Is it okay to masturbate or is there any other options?...


Found my brother and our stepmum in flagrante!

Q.   I am 15 year old girl and yesterday I caught my 17 year old brother having sex with our 30 year old stepmum. I was totally disgusted at the sight of brother and stepmum going at it like rabbits the moment they caught sight of me they jumped out of b...


Is getting tanned the way to get attention from the guys?

Q.   A question for the men: do you prefer women who are pale or women who are tanned? I ask becuase I find that women with tans always seem to get the attention from men and I have pale skin and I often go unnoticed....


Is getting tanned the way to get attention from the guys?

Q.   A question for the men: do you prefer women who are pale or women who are tanned? I ask becuase I find that women with tans always seem to get the attention from men and I have pale skin and I often go unnoticed....

A.   29 March 2006: If you want a tan use creams ect.Don't go on the sunbeds as they can seriously damage your skin.... (read in full...)

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