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*EBS83 agony aunt


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hi iam debbie live in hull iam in a realtionship ive got a little girl iam a good listerner and always willing to help pp out as there are pp out there that dont hv any one to talk to hope to hear ure problems soon

123Next > [3 pages, 72 answers]

Any advice about polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Q.   i have been trying for a baby for over 4 years i have polycystic ovarian syndrome, my husband and are really wanting a family, can anyone help?...

A.   11 July 2008: i have got pcos i have also got a 7 year old daughter you should join verity website there really helpfull on there also id go see your gp as there is medacation there can give you to help you fall pregnant i only found out a few months ago i had ... (read in full...)

Is my fiancee jealous of my 9 year old daughter from a previous relationship?

Q.   is my fiance jeleous of my 9 year old daughter from a previous relationship? my fiance has given me an ultimatum to either stop seeing my 9 year old daughter or its over. I see her just once a week via court order and they do not get on. my daugh...

A.   15 March 2007: hi id tell your parnter were to go at the end of the day she is your child and your partner will just have to like it or lump it when i was 10 my dad marrid a woman who had 2 kids of her own and was jelous of me and my sister when there got marrid ... (read in full...)

He hates that I put my kids first and he wants me to move away with him! What are your thoughts on this?

Q.   I am a mother of 2 children and have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years. He doesn't like to come to my house and feels I put my kids first although I do all I can to make him happy including staying at his house. He wants me to sell my house and ...


Do I have parental responsibility for this baby born in Italy?

Q.   Hi I'm a single father,my son was born in Italy on the 02/01/05. My surname is on his birth certificate. He lives with his mother in London.Do I have Parental responsibility or does the English law only apply to babies born in UK?...

A.   8 December 2006: no you have to make a order at the court for this if the mother agrees its easy but if she dont the court decide this is wat i went through wth my childs dad and is name on the b/c id speack to your solitor about this good luck... (read in full...)

I know he's cheating and I am heartbroken! What should I do?

Q.   I know my boyfriend is cheating on me he denies it but he cheated on me with his ex and now I have baby girl by him and I found text messages in my phone I dont know what I should do im soo heartbroken...

A.   7 December 2006: Tell him you have seen the text and you want the truth tell him how this is making you feel ... (read in full...)

Hes cheated several times before, I told him he needs to earn trust, but hes hanging out with other girls again!!!!

Q.   I'll give u brief intro of things so u know whats been happening - boyfriend cheated on me many times in 3 years whilst long distance, so we parted. 2 years later we decide to try again (he back home long term). I say he has to earn his trust back, ...

A.   7 December 2006: I think that he thinks he can have this cake and eat it he knows ull take him bk you prove this to him the first time he was found out i think you should just get rid of him good luck... (read in full...)

I'm a single mom on income support. I feel so lost and alone - how do I get through the Christmas season this year?

Q.   It's December, I'm a single mum on income support and just dread Christmas, my nerves are jangling at the thought of it! How do i get through it. I don't have any relative and few friends in the area and so i'm feeling so lost and alone. Money is ...

A.   1 December 2006: iam a single mum on income support hv a child as well trust me you will get through xmas just seeing ure child with is new toys will mk u smile trust me ure not the only single mum ... (read in full...)

Has anyone met someone online and had things work out great?

Q.   i just wondered wether anyone has met someone online and it worked out alright? Or even met there current gf/bf online? ...

A.   5 November 2006: yer met my new bf on there 7months ago and things are going really well... (read in full...)

Is there any way to lose weight off my big butt?

Q.   I have a big butt. I'm 5 foot have 32 C cup and am really skinny other than my butt and my boobs. I was wondering if there was anyway just to lose weight in your butt... without making it bigger I'm not complaining or anything i just would like ...

A.   5 November 2006: i had this prob a few months bk and the way i did it was sex me on top ive lost loards of weight off my bum n ow... (read in full...)

I'm 17 and pregnant! Can I legally move out and be with my bf?

Q.   can a pregnant 17 year old legally move out with her 20 year old boyfriend...

A.   5 November 2006: yer i did when i was pregnant at 17 ... (read in full...)

He's my ex and his Mother keeps telling me all about his gf! What should I do?

Q.   A mths ago I split up with my b/f of 4 mths. I had known him for 14mth before we got together. At first we hated 1 another, and even though his mam knew this she still threw us together. Then she kept dropping hints that he hated girls and would ne...

A.   5 November 2006: tell her you have both moved on and that you dont wish to know about is life and what he is doing also if you can have a word with your ex to speak to is mum about this but you shoul think about not speaking to any of um i was very close to my exs ... (read in full...)

Should i lie to my folks

Q.   My bf is leavin the country soon we both stay in different cities he cant come n see me and now he wants me to come there, i have to take a lot of risks if i really wanted to see him but still he wants me to folks will never let me go if i ...

A.   28 October 2006: how old are you ? ... (read in full...)

My best friend also likes my boyfriend. What should I do?

Q.   Hey guys. I really like my boyfriend and I care about him. And there's my best friend (aka also a relative of mine), I talk to her about everything. We are practically like sisters. But one problem is that she likes my boyfriend. She is always ...

A.   28 October 2006: you need to talk to ure friend tell her that her flirting with him isnt nice for you to see you and tht u fleel hurt by this and you want her to stop also talk to ure boyfriend good luck... (read in full...)

Is an age gap of 8 years too big?

Q.   hey i recently met this lad when i was out and we exchanged numbers etc he has text me asking do i want to go out sometime, its a good chance to get to know him better but the only prob is that he is 8 years older than me im 18. is that age gap too ...

A.   26 October 2006: no its just a number at the end of the day ... (read in full...)

He doesn't want anything serious just fun...I don't want to give up on him!!!

Q.   Hello... Ive fallen for a guy that i really want. He's just recently become single and is a couple of years younger than me (20). We got together recently and we've txt since, but im not sure where to go from here. He doesnt want anything se...

A.   26 October 2006: i agree hestold you he just wants fun i think wat u need to do is really think aout this as you said you like him so can u cope wth the just fun or will ure feelings grow stronger for him hopeing he will want a serios realtionship wth u good luck... (read in full...)

His ex hates me and doesn't want the kids around me. I think he should stand up to her! Am I right?

Q.   please help! i've been with my bf for 4yrs, thing is he has 3 kids to his ex wife she's an alcoholic and is never sober. well one night the police called my bf to say that they were bringing the kids down as his ex wife was lying blacked so my ...

A.   26 October 2006: iam in the same postion as you so i know its not easy wat you need to do is tell ure bf to stand up to her even wen slagging you off also tell him to seek legal advice as iam a mother i can see it from her pointof view as well she mite not be over ... (read in full...)

I love her but she is already with someone else!!!

Q.   im in love with a girl thats already going out with someone. what should i do? please help...

A.   26 October 2006: does she feel the same about you? ... (read in full...)

Is it acceptable to stay friends with an ex???

Q.   HI I was wondering if people thinks its acceptable to stay friends with an ex boyfriend, even if you are unsure about whether he is over you? My ex finished it 6 mths ago after i made it clear i wanted marriage and kids (he is nearly 40 and ha...

A.   26 October 2006: sometimes you can be friends but to be friends i think there as to be no bad blood between you and for bth of you to know its deffo over... (read in full...) you get the urge to cross examine your boyfriends after a night out???

Q.   How do other women resist the urge to question their boyfriend about his nights out? Who was there, what women he was speaking to, etc? My boyfriend is always very untalkative about nights out and it makes me suspicious. I always want to question ...

A.   26 October 2006: used to with my ex but that was cus he cheated but like a fool i 4gave him iam ow wth sumone else and i just know i dont need to ask him details like that ... (read in full...)

He cheated on her with I find a way to tell her so she finishes it so I can have him???

Q.   A guy i'm into cheated on his girlfriend with me. They've only been going out for 2 days. I know that if she found out what we did they'd break up and he would be free for me to have him, but I know that he wouldn't be all that pleased with me. If ...

A.   26 October 2006: 2days is nothing so iam sure if he wanted a realtionship with you hed have tld you this as for you telling his gf i dont think this is a wise move as for one she mite 4gave him or dump him than he will blame you and want nothing to do with you id ... (read in full...)

Do I just leave it and get on with my life or fight for my man???

Q.   my boyfriend and i were going out for 3 years and we have a son. last year i cheated on him it was a drunken mistake and i feel really bad he found out and he was ok till one day he kicked off at me and said that he didnt think he loved me anymore ...

A.   26 October 2006: i agree that he must hv been seeing this girl wen he was still with you id stay away from him i know you said you still lovehim etc but can you see it working between you meaning the baby this girl is having find some one better and belive me there ... (read in full...)

Was asked to be best man but his wife-to-be has banned me from the wedding!

Q.   Quick question. Should I be angry when my best friend is getting married and tells me that I am the best man. Well, the reason for my anger is he called me today and said that his fiance says she doesn't want me to be in or at the wedding. I have ...

A.   26 October 2006: think your best not going as this may caurse a few probs and you could end up falling out wth him altogether wat you should do is talk to ure mate tell him you think its out of order also why shud ure ex still get to go if you carnt good luck... (read in full...)

How do I tell my online love, that the girl in the photos aren't me?? What should I do?

Q.   I've done something kind of stupid which has all blown up in my face. I registered with an online forum just for fun and to kill some time really. I put photos up of a random, gorgeous girl and said it was me. I just thought it was harmless fun at ...

A.   25 October 2006: you need to be honest with him tell him that your sorry about the photo not been you tell him your crazy about him even though you have never met iam sure he will be ok with this at least u are bn honest... (read in full...)

I give him BJ's but he seems adverse to giving me oral. What should I do?

Q.   My bf and i have been going out for about 5 weeks now and really getting into the sex side of things, ect. Anyway, the problem is that during that time, i've given him 2 blow jobs and he hasn't gone down on me once,which i personal is unfair. He ...

A.   24 October 2006: if he dont like the bush downstairs lol have you tried waxing it than he carnt get out of doing this for you or you could say untill you get it he int geting it good luck... (read in full...)

I keep getting emotional on the phone to him before he leaves for a long time and I don't want him to think he is hurting me!!!

Q.   I have the most wonderful relationship with my boyfriend but he works overnight and sometimes I'm a week not seeing him..but we talk every night on the phone when he works...I'm 21, and independent, have my own it's not a dependency ...

A.   24 October 2006: your in love thats what the problem is ure used to him been wth you than he wrks so you dont get to see him have you talked to him about this ut i think its the love bug you have got... (read in full...)

Should I wear make-up or no???

Q.   Do guys who dislike makeup on women ALWAYS feel this way? (Hope some guy will answer.) This coming weekend am going to a fancy social event with a guy. I've been trying to get back together with him for awhile and at the moment we really seem to...

A.   24 October 2006: if a bloke said to me he didnt like me wearing mk up id pile more on lol but were not all like that have you tried talking to him you could put a little on good luck... (read in full...)

He seems to have a crush on me should I write him a letter???

Q.   Yesterday I ran into this guy that I have known for two years, and he seems to have a crush on me. I would like to write him a letter to tell him that I feel very flattered, but I don't want his parents to worry, he still lives with them, and he ...

A.   24 October 2006: youcould do but why dont you go to his house or wait near is house till he comes out mk out you was passing and thoute ud see if he wanted to go out sometime good luck... (read in full...)

Does it mean anything when a lad gets a hard on thinking of you in your underwear???

Q.   does it mean anythig if a lad gets a hard on over thinking of you in your underwear?...

A.   24 October 2006: yes he thinks your sexy and this is why he gets a hard on ... (read in full...)

While we was friends and getting to know each other I was sleeping with my I tell my current boyfriend???

Q.   Hi, Im a 22 year old who is in a good relationship with a 36 year old. age gap aside......... before we got together we were friends for a whole year. we shared a bed occasionally and sometimes got frisky but didnt have sex. meanwhile i was ...

A.   24 October 2006: id talk to him tell him but i agree you wernt tgether so it isnt cheating... (read in full...)

Do any of you see your exes as good friend?

Q.   Hi everyone, could you see your ex as a friend?...

A.   24 October 2006: iam am friends wth only one of um as he is the father of my child i can talk to him about anything and hes always there when i need is advice as for the other exs i hv tryed been friends but there just rub the past in my face... (read in full...)

His ex is making our life a living hell...what can we do?

Q.   Hi all, I have asked for advice before. I feel i am going out of my mind. My boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 years now. We are really happy, apart from his ex. She just wont let go, even though she didnt want him. She keeps making up ...

A.   24 October 2006: iam hving the same problem what your bloke as to do is cut her out of his life i know he as gt kids with her but there are older enough to see him etc wthout there mum also as she met anyone else as u may find that is wen she will stop and let go ... (read in full...)

He said he was busy with his mates and when I did see him he has a love bite on his neck!!!

Q.   I have been seeing this guy for 2 weeks and everything was going really well, i didnt see him at the weekend as he said he was busy with his mates. When i saw him yesterday he had a love bite on his neck which is not mine. I asked him about him and ...

A.   24 October 2006: did she pin him down i dont think so he is taking the piss out of you hun you need to get ridof him ... (read in full...)

When we was together I put on alot of weight and he cheated on I've lost the weight he is hanging around again!!!

Q.   Please help My boyfirend and I broke up 3-4 moths ago, after 6 years being together. We had a very good relationship,but not perfect. Since I started going out with him, i gained a lot a lot of weight and it started to bother him that i was lett...

A.   24 October 2006: i agree move on with your life like you say ure with someone else now stay wth im and dont let this other bloke get to you if he loved you that much it wouldnt mater how much weight you put on and he wunt have gone wth another woman... (read in full...)

I got roses from my internet my mum and her partner are paranoid...

Q.   well this morning i got sent a dozen red roses. I was really happy but now im not cause my mum and her partner are going crazy they didnt like how i had been sent them. But the guy who sent them is a really nice guy (although i met him on t...

A.   23 October 2006: i think there are just trying to look out for you after all the internetis a good place for perverts to hang out have you ever met this bloke and asfor your friend of course she is guna agree for you to tell him your addy as its not her house he may ... (read in full...)

Why won't she have sex with me???

Q.   Why wont my girlfriend have sex with me? we have been together for six months, and i thought that we should me more sexual than once a month....

A.   23 October 2006: hi have yo tryed talking to her about this i think that it is a little bit selfish of you but maybe there is a good reason to why she wornt have sex more than once a week... (read in full...)

How do I get over him???

Q.   This guy and I were together for 2 years but were talking for 5. And we broke up 7 months ago for complicated reasons, we still talk once in a while and he's been talking to another girl, but I still can't get over him. I've tried everything. I even ...

A.   23 October 2006: if that is all he wants is to be friends you have to except this and move on i know this is hard ive been were you are and i think the best thing to do so that you get over him is to stop all contact with him asthis gives you hope that he will want ... (read in full...)

He denied calling her until I showed him the evidence and he is still contacting her!!

Q.   i found out my BF has been texting and calling a girl for upto 6times a day, when i confront him he says it was a lie and when i show him the evidence he said she was a friend. i want to finish with him but he is begging for me to take him back but...

A.   23 October 2006: you need to get rid of this man if he will go to those lenghts to buy a new mobile to talk to her he as no intension to stop seeing her... (read in full...)

He said he would finish the affair but I confronted her and found he was lying to her too!!!

Q.   Should I stay in this relationship? I have been with my fiance for almost two years, he has been a wonderful father to my daughter and has helped me raise her since she was 8 months old (he is not the father). About six months into our relation...

A.   23 October 2006: been through this befoe it is not very nice and drives you mad what you have to do is get out of this realtionship i know this may be hard and something you dont want to do but belive me hes lied to you twice so he will probly do it again but at the ... (read in full...)

I loved him but left him because I have fallen for someone else! Is it normal to do this?

Q.   I've been in a relationship for the past two years and nine months. I still love him, but I had to break up with him recently because I have fallen for someone else. I'm not certain if I truly want to be with this new guy or not, but I couldn't stay ...

A.   23 October 2006: havent we all been there you need to think about what you really want and who you wana be with ive been were you are and it isnt nice i was with my parnter for 3 years than along came a bloke that was differnt and showed me a good time so i broke my ... (read in full...)

He doesn't love me but I want him back. How can I do this?

Q.   i was wit my bf 4 6 months, he told me he wants to single n dosent love me anymore but i really want him back,he still texts me and i know i could make him want me again,but how????please write back to tell me wat i should do n say wen i c him,guide ...

A.   23 October 2006: iam sorry hun but i dont think there is anything you can do to make him come back think about this would you really want him back knowing he dont love you it may be he needs some space from you i think him txting you is wrong as this is giving you ... (read in full...)

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