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Archived questions from: 7 April, 2009 (see latest in Friends category)

(More questions from April, 2009)

Friends: Help and advice

I barely know him but I told him I loved him...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - ok I like this boy named Bryan I barly met him and I barly know him yet, I find myself telling him I love him. He told me that he really likes me to so I asked him out. He said NO. So we went on being franns and now he wants to get closer but he ...

He said I am annoying when I 'mother' him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - hi. so i have this really big problem. well not really big. but i really like this guy and i cant tell if he likes me. he makes it so confusing. like everytime we talk hes mean to me. but hes nice to everybody else. and i've talked to my friends ...

I've dramatically changed my appearance. Will this help me get more girls, or will I have to change more than just my looks?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - Hi everyone, As you may have noticed from my avatar, I've cut my hair! It's a dramatic change (I used to have an Afro, in case you didn't know) and I'm hoping it brings me good things in the future. I'm off of uni for the next couple of weeks,...

Is he trying to make me feel guilty for not having sex with him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5630 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - I have been seeing this guy for over a month. Im 19 and he is 23 and we were friends for about 2 months before we got together. We havent done anything sexual yet but he always wants to and says that he cant help it because Im so sexy. Last nigh...

Is he interested, or fancies me? or doesn't like me in that way?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5633 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Hello, Lately I been going crazy about this boy named JK his same age as me but turning 17 this year and I’m 16. Today I saw him when I was walking to school he kept looking behind to see me and at the end he crossed the road and then looked ...

Work worries, under-valued, upset and hurt!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Are you allowed to post work related questions on here? i'm not sure because i've heard people can get fired for 'bad-mouthing' the company. but if i dont state the company and it's not the company's fault, its the current manager and colleagues, ...

Should I give this wonderful guy a chance? I still can't get over my cheating ex b/f!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - I have a problem i just broke up with my boyfriend a month ago because he was cheating one me,,,,, Now i trying to move on but i found out one of my guy friends is in love with me he even proposed i'm just 16 so idk what to tell him because i'm so h...

I'm too shy and I'm gonna lose my first love because of it.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5628 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Hi! I'm 15 and I was hoping you help me because I got 2 problems. The first 1 is: there's a boy in my class and he's like madly in love with me but I don't love him! He keeps getting me stuff you know many presents and I couldn't refuse them ...

Lesbian vibes? Now what the hell is that?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - I don't know, I am in a very awkward situation. All my friends think that I give off lesbian vibes and the reason is all the girls fall head over heels for me.. one of my friends introduced me to this gay guy and he couldn't stop staring at me, ...

Opinions please... Is my friend a lesbian?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - My best friend who is 20 years old makes out with the other girls when she is drunk and a couple of times she hinted we should do to. Like she would say I am soo high right now I wanna make out with you.. Recently she confessed that she made out...

Do you think she'll change her mind the more time we spend together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - After my ex girlfriend broke up with me about 5 or 6 months ago we still continued to talk every once in a while; catching up from time to time, talking on the phone, texting etc. We dated for about a year and are both at different colleges and see ...

I think I am a lesbian! Am I in love or in lust, with my best friend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5629 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - hello im a 17year old girl and i have a serious problem... i love my best friend who happens to be a girl. we kiss when we are drunk and recently we had sex (however girls have it) and ever since i find it impossible to forget about her. i find my...

Hurt and confused

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to read! I've been friends with this girl for about a year and lately I've been wanting to get into a proper relationship with her, and thinking maybe she wanted it too. We've been seeing a lot of each othe...

Advice needed: Guys what would your reaction be and just what am I supposed to do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - something happened 3 weeks ago that i still need to like figure out , me and my boyfriend went over to a friend's house while his parents were away , there was the 3 of us and the friend's gf , anyways we got drunk and were having fun , he was show...

As Meatloaf said "It just won't quit"

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - After a long split with my girlfriend of two years, she started seeing someone else and I found out. Since that time I tried to be as normal as possible, saying to myself I'm better than this. Since the split there have been many hot and cold time...

No one seems to think what I have to say is important!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - When ever i have something to say or a story to tell i get people speaking over me. It has happened for a long time now my friends and family both do it. Ill be saying something and then the people i am speaking to will just start talking about ...

Is meeting b/f's relatives a good sign?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Hi everyone so recently my boyfriend came back from school and we spent a lot of time together. On Sunday it was our last day together before he had to go back to school he invited me to go to the city with him and meet his relatives. We've ...

My boyfriend wants to keep our relationship a secret whereas I want to tell the world!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5620 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - my boyfriend is 17 and i am 15 he said for me not to tell anyone about us going out because he thinks people will call him a perv for going out with me. i'v talked to him about it but he just doesn't want anyone to know and keeps changing his story ...

What should I do? Who shall I choose between these two boys?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Hi =) okay so I've been really good friends with this boy for round about 4(ish) months but I think he's starting to like me. He usually says stuff about how he thinks I'm really funny and cool ect. Last night we were both on web cam on msn doing...

I can't stop thinking about either of these men

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - i don't know what to do, sorry if i ramble a bit i think all this detail is important i am single and have really only had two significant boyfriends and i can't seem to move on and be happy. i met Boyfriend 1 in 1995 and went out with him for abo...

How do I become good friends like before?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - too early and she didn't see me that way. I must note that i was kind of being pressured into it which is another thing but i have never told her this. From then to few months = akwardness, couldn't even look at her or talk to her but during chris...

Should I confront him or just leave it and hope it all works out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - ive been going out with my bf for about 7 months now and i thought things were going really well. Ive met his family, hes met mine and we all get on really well etc. The only thing is we haven't had sex yet. we tried once but i was nervous as it w...

Why does he do these things to me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5646 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - ok, i have been together with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now, and i am only 18 we have a WONDERFUL relationship for the most part, when we're together were so happy and are inseparable, until he's with his friends. ill call him and he'll be e...

How do I set up another date with a girl I barely know?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - First, let me explain the situation. A little over a month ago I was introduced to a girl by a friend of mine at a monthly street festival. 4 of us spent the evening together and had an overall great time. As the night progressed this girl beca...

Is this good or bad? I'm not quite sure.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Hi a randomly odd question but i just want to know. i was hanging out with my friends and my friends brother just turned to me and said "i can't read you at times" not in a nasty way just stating that i am a difficult person to read. Is t...

Do I wait and hope she comes back, if it's meant to be?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - Looking for some help. My friends wife (which became my best friend)and I fell in love. Her marriage is falling apart and she doesn't think it will last. Me and him are no longer friends because he is selfish, cronic liar, etc... Anyway, we have ...

13 yo and in love with my chat friend in the US - and he is 7 years older!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5646 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - ok so basically i go in2 a chat room but simply to talk to my cousin who lives in US. i have recently met a guy in there with is 7yrs older than me. he is sweet and caring and i feel like i can talk 2 him bout everything. i have fallen in love with ...

Why can't boys ever be nice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5645 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - Why can't boys ever be nice? Well some are but most of the guys in our world our JERKS! So here's the story........there is this boy in my fade that I really like and somehow he had found out! I'm guessing one of my friends asked him out for me behi...

Does he still like me or do I just want him to like me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5642 days ago

7 April 2009 (F - I don't know if all is lost in this situation or not. I met a "boy" and we became friends. I was pretty sure he liked me as more than a friend(due to flirtatious behavior and such) so I brought up the inevitable, "are you interested in me?" ...

What can I do to get together with her...?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5646 days ago

7 April 2009 (M - I am in love with a girl, and she is in love with me, it's been this way for quite a while now, but her mom found a dirty conversation between us and hates my name, she has never met me before but I don't want to go into the relationhip with lies of ...

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