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Archived questions from: 17 November, 2008 (see latest in Friends category)

(More questions from November, 2008)

Friends: Help and advice

What should I say or do to get my necklace back without being suspicious?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - I have been seeing this new guy for a few months now, and we are doing really good so far. I have recently found myself in an awkward position though and I need some help. I am best friends with my ex-boyfriend (don't worry he has a girl now) and we ...

How true can it be for a woman to have sex with another woman, but not call her self lesbian or bi?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - How true can it be for a woman to have sex with another woman, but not call her self lesbian or bi? For 6 years now I been lovers with a very hot and sexual woman. I give her oral sex all the time and we have hot make-out sesions. I lust her, I ...

Can a married man have 'butterflies in his stomach?'

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5779 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - There is the man about 40, a married one- married with 2 children. The couple are not well matched but they have been together for about 14 years now. I have always fancied him but I never suspected he may be in love with me. Recently he has told ...

I'm not a looker, but I'm charming.... how do I meet people outside school?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5785 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - I wanna meet people outside my school but i don't how, im kinda shy around new people until i get to know them a bit then i loosen up, but i dont feel too comfortable walking over to people and making conversation. is there anyway to boost my ...

I didn't invite one girl to my sleepover but the other girls want her there!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - i am inviting some girls to sleepover for my birthday. however i didnt invite one girl becuase i was sick of her lying to me. the other girls are begging me to invite her but i talked it over with her and she says she doesnt care(but i dont know) i ...

My BFF's boyfriend makes her crazy!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - My friend had this boyfriend and whenever she was around him she acted really stupid and tried flirting with him she completely discluded our group and when she wasn't around him she acted like nothing ever happened! She broke up with him and ...

I'm bi, want to make a move on my best friends ex girl and worry I'll look like a fool!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5769 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - I'm really like this girl. Couple problems though she just broke up with my best mate, he bullies her and is pretty horrible to her but they're still crushing on each other. I'm having a party on Friday because it the end of exams and I don't know ...

Can you really date you ex's best friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - I have definitely heard the saying 'You don't date you best friend's ex' but I really don't know if I should stand by it. The thing is, a few weeks ago I broke up with my '3 months' boyfriend and he seems to have got over it by now. I know for a ...

Could this friendship blossom into more?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5785 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - Hi, Over the last few months I have started to get to know my neighbour and he seems like a really nice guy. But I am unsure as to what he thinks about me! Has anyone got any tips on how to tell if a guy is interested in you or not? A few days a...

My friend has told me we're just friends yet he goes all weird whenever I talk about my dates.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - I have had an interest in my best male friend for a while now. I have been honest with him about my feelings and we still maintain a friendship. He has said he does not have romantic feelings for me. Recently I have begun dating someone else and ...

Guys and liking me - am I asexual?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - Guys seem to have feelings for me but I never feel anything for them, I get nervous sometimes if they get too close for my liking but that's it. Am I asexual?...

We've set our wedding date but I'm having second thoughts about it all...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - I am engaged to be married in 2010. Everything in our life is perfect except for a few things that are HUGE in my eyes. We enjoy doing the same things, our family and friends are perfect and everyone gets along very well and we have the same ...

Lies about email address and talking with her

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5785 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - Help my I have been married 31 years next month to the same man. He worked over sea for 7 years so we could get ahead . We have a cute 5 year old grandson. I would send him pictures all the time of the family through email. This women Named Julie ...

Is this platonic friendship... or is there more in it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5783 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - hi im sorry for the length of this question, I gabble A LOT and it is preety long so thank you for reading, I'm a bit confused at the moment, I have a GREAT guy friend who I met at the beginning of September and we have just clicked! Straight...

What should I do... give this new guy a go or get back with my ex ????

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - Arghhh I'm so confused, so let me explain my problem to you then. well .... My ex boyfriend still likes me and wants me back, and I was considering it, But now there's this other lad that likes me. But the thing is I don't know what to do because,...

My friends tell me to run from him but I don't see him in that light at all...

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5711 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - Dear Cupid, I have a little dilemma. I met this guy online and we hit it off from the very first meeting. I told him from the start that I was not looking for anything serious and just wanted someone to have fun and a casual relationship wit...

She doesn't want to be with him, but doesn't know how to end it because they live together.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5778 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - Hi, I've been friends with this girl for 5 months who has a boyfriend. She moved from the east coast out here in the West to be with him for his new job. She doesn't want to be with him, but doesn't know how to end it because they live togethe...

They won't let her leave!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - Hi, my girlfriend needs out of where she lives. She's in Germany, 19, with people (very bad kind) and she wants out. She's a U.S. citizen but the people she lives with won't let her leave. They have her passport, it's abusive there. She's scar...

Is it normal for a man to still not want to begin a new relationship 12 months after splitting up with the ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - Is it normal for a man to still not want to begin a new relationship 12 months after splitting up with the ex? A bit of background… they were together for three years. It was his most significant relationship to date (he is in his mid-thirties). T...

I feel resentment towards her for breaking my heart in this way.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - I fell in love with a girl around 6 months back. On one of the first few times I met her. We became good friends and I asked her out a few weeks ago, she said no. It was heart-breaking to say the least and I think about what I could have possi...

Bullying... how do I fight back?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (M - Why do I let people get to me? At college I am quite good at the subjects I do especially drama and I had a brilliant year last year and now other people are being nasty and horrible to me. It seems it all centers around friendships. I done all I ...

My two best friends are a gay couple and I have fallen for one of them! Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

17 November 2008 (F - My two best friends are a gay couple that have been together for 4 years. I know how crazy what im about to say sounds but I have completly fallen for one of them. We have the closest relationship and at times I truelly believe he feels the same ...

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