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Worried I'm becoming obsessed by this guy who left me in the lurch... especially after things seemed so good!

Tagged as: The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 January 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 18 May 2008)
A female , anonymous writes:


I can t' beleive the way I am feeling.

I was seeing a guy who I met back in August and for a few months everything was so great and we were seeing one another 2-3 times a week. He told me he really liked me, thought I was amazing, etc. We slept together after a month of meeting one another which I don't think was too soon.

Then things started to go downhill after he told me how much he liked me, then he practically stopped contacting me altogether! He then met with me after not seeing me for a month and after we had a drink which was very awkward - he told it wasn't working out for him! I was quite upset as wish he had just told me sooner. Also I had really liked him and just wonder why he suddenly turned. I have become really obssessive about it. I want to go round to where he lives and see if he is with anyone etc, it's awful I don't want to feel like this. I really liked it when things were good between us but I think I am just thinking about the way he was and not thinking about how rude and different he was when I saw him again. I like the idea of how it could have been perhaps.

I am so nervous about seeing him again. Should I say hi or ignore him. Do you think he may ever think he has made a mistake?


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 May 2008):

hi dear...i understand ur feeling because i also undergone such a state...please dont go after him...if he is not intrested better u leave him..and dont worry u will get over this situation soon and will find a better one who love u truely..

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 January 2007):

OH MY GOD! i am soo glad some1 else is going through the exact same thing as me! im obsessed too! i like walk past his house at nite to see if hes in and too see if hes with someone! its soo sad! we broke up even though he said that he rly liked me ect. its was great! but then for no reason at all decided would be better 2 b mates! i hate it! i suspose the thing to do is let time do its thing! (even though iv been like this now for just over 6 weeks)i dont really have any great advice for ya cause i dont know what to do myself! but just thought id let u know that some1 else is going through the same thing!! Gd luck! (p.s if u find a cure, let me know lol) xxx

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A female reader, shania United Kingdom +, writes (5 January 2007):

shania agony auntI know how your feeling because nearly everyone has been down that road.You like this guy alot,you thought he felt the same but as it turned out he didn't and yes it was a shock when he ended it.Going to his house or trying to make contact with him will be a bad idea because he doesn't feel the way you do.....think for a moment,if he really wanted to see you dont you think he would of done by now? Your best bet is to brush yourself down,hold your head up and forget about him because there is a man out there who will want you!

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (5 January 2007):

eyeswideopen agony auntUnfortunately things like this happen in the dating game. Sometimes things just aren't right for one partner but great for the other. It's just your turn to be on the receiving end that's all. You just need to try to get over it and keep moving. Next time you may have to be the one to walk or maybe just maybe it will turn out to be the love of your life. That's what makes the dating game so exciting...and exhausting. You'll be fine, honey.

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