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What was your first instinct when a girl wants/wanted you to "finger" her?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 September 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 6 September 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi preferably I'd like it if JUST THE MEN answer?..

What is/was your first instinct to do when a girl wants/wanted you to "finger" her?

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A male reader, Mark25 United Kingdom +, writes (6 September 2008):

Mark25 agony auntI'm sorry, I misunderstood the question. No, my first instinct is not to put my finger in her vagina. It's to gently massage and caress the clitoris before I put my finger in. Most women don't get pleasure from penetration only from clitoral stimulation which is why I touch the clitoris first and only put my finger in briefly before going back to the clitoris. Unfortunately men are very literal and think that fingering means putting your finger in and that women like it, probably because porn depicts that they do.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 September 2008):

I mean though, was your instinct when you would hear "fingering" to just put your finger/fingers in her vagina?

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A male reader, Mark25 United Kingdom +, writes (6 September 2008):

Mark25 agony auntMost men's first instinct is to do it. If a girl wants you to do that to her then she must really like you. Fingering is a very intimate act and women don't let anybody do it to them. When a girl asks me to finger her then I do it.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (6 September 2008):

I don't finger women:

Not that I have any aversion to doing so,it's just that no matter how short I cut my nails they irritate my wife's clitoris. So I use my tongue that's naturally lubricated,no nails,and is the nicest way to say "I LOVE YOU".

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