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We're sexually incompatible

Tagged as: Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 May 2009) 7 Answers - (Newest, 28 May 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

during sex my boyfreinds ercetion seems to get worse and he keeps insisting that he is erect no matter how hard he tries i have now lost interset in having sex.i say lets try different positions but hes quite set in his ways , he likes playing with his nipples when having sex and its a big turnoff to me the only way to get him really excited is by sucking his nipples and same sexual positions making me reconsider if i wanna be with him at do i tell him this and make him understand that iam not happy nor sexually satisfied

View related questions: nipples

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (28 May 2009):

Danielepew agony auntOne more thing: Be careful in adding Viagra or anything like that to anything he drinks. I understand Viagra has some cardiac side effects, and please don't suppose that someone your age can't have cardiac problems.

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A male reader, rocknroll United States +, writes (28 May 2009):

I think what he is doing is trying to stimulate himself through manipulating his nipples, as we guys believe this works for women, I have heard it works for guys, though I haven't experienced that myself, only one girlfriend attempted this on me, and sad to say, I didn't get anything from it, though the sensation was to much for me to continue it.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (28 May 2009):

Danielepew agony auntLet me see if I understand what happens:

He loses his erection, but insists he doesn't. Then, the only way to turn him on is to suck on his nipples. And he will only accept making love in the positions he prefers, never one you would like.

I assume, then, that at some point he does have an erection. I don't know if this also means that there is penetration. Apparently, yes. there is.

I would like you to give us more information, but, on what you have given us so far, it looks like he has not learned that sex is something that two people do, and has to be mutually satisfactory. He goes for his own wishes, and that's it.

Maybe he doesn't know you're not satisfied, but I doubt it.

I think that perhaps the one way to get his attention would be to refuse sex and tell him, in very clear words, why you refuse. I don't think he doesn't know, but this would be one hell of way for him to get the message. If he acts on that message, then things will improve. Otherwise, you'll be sure that this situation can't be improved, and will be able to decide on that basis.

Hope that helps.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

yeh i always ask him to reach out for mine he does for a few mins and continues,sexy stuff doesnt seem interesting to him, thanks guys for your suggestions

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

hmm what a weird situation to be in, he plays with his nipples? if anything, he should be playing with yours!!!

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A male reader, rocknroll United States +, writes (28 May 2009):

A sex therapist might be able to help him.

If he senses your displeasure, this may add to his frustrations of not performing to please you. Even though you might already be doing this, it won't hurt in repeating this: please try to be a little more patient and supportive, clearly he is no stud. If you get frustrated with him in his presence, it will only make him feel inferrior and he will perform even less.

I have noticed with myself that after a good work out with sex, I maynot be up to snuff to perform again the same day or even the next day. Not always true, but I have noticed this at times, and just don't understand why it happens.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

Yep, i would be turned off too, that is just weird. Try sex toys sexy clothes or just climb on and you lead the way tell him its your turn to show him what you like.

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