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Was he playing with me or was it just in my head?

Tagged as: The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 November 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 14 November 2010)
A female Canada age 41-50, anonymous writes:

It's really hard to ask for help because I am aware of how crazy this all sounds to someone hearing it and not involved but I ask that you keep an open mind and I will tell only the facts:

-DEC'08 I broke up with my ex because although I still had feelings for him I felt that we wanted different things from life and I couldn't see a future

-JAN'09 I set up an account on the online set we first met and where he still had an active account.

- I saw that he viewed my profile

-the day after he viewed my profile I was contacted by a user who's online name was lookin4myfishie and he had the same astrological sign and hair color as my ex. I was intrigued so I started talking to him via emails. he started dropping hints so i suspected it was him and i confronted him and soon after he disappeared.

- a couple of months later another user contacted me. we started talking, he was nice, i thought nothing, then he started saying things like i promise to love you and when i told him the song he sent me made me blush, he would say "really, what are you gonna do when i ask you to marry me?". i thought that was weird since we had never met. we sometimes talked on the phone ( on the phone he was a lot more polite and less intense)and he started to tell me the story about his ex which sounded a lot alike my ex's brother's story and when i told him about my ex he started to advise me and give me insight as if he knew exactly what he was talking about and he knew the guy personally. I was suspicious then but i wasn't sure until one day i called him and instead of the guy i had been talking to I heard my ex's voice say 'hey you'( hey you is something my ex ALWAYS used to say to me and i had been with him for over 2 years, I know his voice VERY well)....I froze and just said pardon? this is when i heard shuffling with the phone and the guy i normally talked to started laughing and said haha, oops , sorry.

- i confronted him and he just disappeared.

- other suspicious users contacted me but I am not certain so I won't mention them

-I kept getting offline messages from my ex with odd links which I kept ignoring and not clicking on them

-Sept'09 my ex calls me to say that he thinks I am a great girl and he tried to move into my building but couldn't because of his dog so he moved into the building across the street from me

- I started getting offline messages from people on my msn list whom I had not talked to in a looong time with the same links he had tried to send me....I did not click on these either

-june'10 we started talking again after I finished school(I was hoping that all that nonsense was because he was interested and regretted losing me and wanted to get back together).........

-one day he said I hope I haven't driven you crazy

-aug'10 i felt like he was just stringing me along and i broke our friendship saying "if you don't have any feelings for me then we need to part ways because staying friends with you hurts me too much, I can't have you in my life without having you IN my life!

I have erased his number, blocked and deleted him everywhere, wrote him tons on do not send letters, I am ready to move on but now I am scared to trust and sometimes I still wonder why he would do all that to me and whether it was just in my head? I feel like I need some kind on closure..........can anyone give me any idea as to what might have been happening?

Thank you all so much!

View related questions: broke up, get back together, his ex, move on, moved in, msn, my ex

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A female reader, angelbaby92 United States +, writes (14 November 2010):

Ok it sounds like your ex has issues and he just wants to keep messing with you. i'm not sure what you mean when you ask if this is all in your head. it seems like you need to jst cut your losses and move on. its a really weird situation and you need to put it behind you. and while you can't be suspicious of everyone, if someone gives you a bad feeling then let them go. i hope this helps

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 November 2010):

He's put you through far too much. Honesty, genuineness and being completely open with you would be a more ethical way to win you. Sounds like he has been obsessed with you for some time. And not 'over' you, after he 'lost' you. That does not mean he is the man for you. And maybe he has been using his brother to help stalk you and keep tabs on you. But that is a bit unhealthy to be communicating with that dishonesty in the background. I think moving on would be the best thing for you.

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