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Torn apart by jealously and rejection!

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Question - (8 February 2007) 5 Answers - (Newest, 8 February 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend dumped me because of my jealousy and also because i believe that he misses that excitment you have at the start of a new relationship thats why i now know why he has had a lot of girlfriends.

How can he buy me flowers and a teddy one day and dump me the next? It dont make sense,sure we had arguments and everytime i put love before my pride and called him,this guy was every thing my heart desired we connected in every way mentaly,physicaly,spiritualy,sexualy. He is my soulmate and i know i am his,his only downfall was he knew i was jealous and he did nothing to help me get over it why i just dont know.

I have tried to be brave but inside its tearing me apart were do i go and what do i do from here im lost i love him so much pls help

View related questions: flowers, jealous, soulmate

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A female reader, AngelEyes420 United States +, writes (8 February 2007):

I know it would be great and supportive of him to help you get over your jealousy. But in reality, no one is going to swoop into your life and fix your problems, atleast you certainly can't expect anyone to. that's something only you can do. And you owe it to yourself and the ones who love you to work on that. Better that he dump you than cheat on you, or not love you back but stay with you for comfort, atleast he gave you that much respect.

Try to respect that he is the way he is, you can't change it. The best thing you can do is focus on what you want to do with yourself. Try to live happily and day by day accept what has happened. Maybe see a pshychiatrist about your jealousy, Im sure they will have some words of wisdom for you, and then you can grow from this relationship! When you are the best you you can be, someone great will come along!

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A female reader, melschatbox United States +, writes (8 February 2007):

melschatbox agony auntHere's a positive response: There is more than one soulmate out there for you!! I mean it, there is!! It hurts now, but in time you would find someone you loved just as much and loves you right back!!! If there were only one soul mate, we'd all be screwed.

Hope that helps.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 February 2007):

First of all, you only think this guy is your soulmate but he's not. A soulmate would be someone who: Respects, loves and is devoted to 'only' you. A guy who is your soulmate does not get bored and complacent with the woman he is supposed to love and then bails out to find other 'goodies' out there. . Your soulmate would understand that no matter what, he is in it, for the long haul. Now about your jealousy. When you say he did nothing to help you work through your 'jealousy' hun..Jealousy is a destructive emotion and when one brings it into a loving relationship, it also bring neediness and a desperation to be attached and guys clue into that, very, very quickly. So if you were jealous, it would've have been better to take responsibility for that emotion, yourself. But if he was doing something puposely to make you feel this way...then he did contribute and that behaviourshould tell you, he was only thinking of himself. The better way of handling jealousy is to be strong, mature and set clear boundries with his behaviours. Getting jealous just gave him a lame excuse to walk away.

Sweety, I am sorry you are heartbroken over this. But in life, there is a purpose to dating. It'a a selection process, a life-learning experience about life, and there is a goal to dating. It's finding that one special person who we can find a future with and you may have to go through a few 'sad experiences' to finding the right one. Like you, we all want someone we can love, who loves us back, in a mutually exclusive, giving relationship leading, someday, to marriage. I can't tell you how to get over this guy. But in time, after you've mourned this loss, you will gain a clarity and realize you be able to 'have him back'..will be then that you will be able to move on. Call on loving familyand freinds to help you through this. Distract anything you can to get your mind off him. And the one thing I need to tell that is not contact him. This will only hinder your emotional progress. It will be hell, in the next few weeks but know, there are brighter days ahead for you. Take care hun and I wish you the best.

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A female reader, here_2_help United Kingdom +, writes (8 February 2007):

here_2_help agony auntFirst of all you need to talk to him and maby you need a littel time apart. And if he is you solemate then things should get better but the last ting you want to do is get him thinking your needy so keep a distance to start off with.

like the old saying gose "this could be the begining of a butiful friendship" so if it dosent go as planned maby it was not ment to be

hope this helps xx

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A female reader, Manya United States +, writes (8 February 2007):

Sounds to me like your boyfriend may be immature.He is just not ready for any kind of serious relationship, likes you but wants to see what's out there. It's awful for you because you seem like you love him with your whole heart.

I would say, don't be alone, but go be with your girlfriends and get some comfort. Chocolate has chemicals which can help ease your heart, too. Focus on yourself and

family. Don't give up hope because life is long and you are

young. Maybe he will come back, or maybe someone better will come along for you! Time will tell, but for now, try to pamper yourself & think about good things.

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