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Should I start a relationship with my school sweetheart?

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Question - (5 January 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 6 January 2007)
A female age 41-50, anonymous writes:

Ok, So my elementary school sweetheart pops back into my life about every 5 years. When we were kids we had a crush on each other but we did the usual kid things, he picked on me and I was mean in return. Both of our mothers are close friends so over the years of us not seeing each other and dating other people we would always hear stuff about each other threw our parents. And every time I would hear anything I would melt inside. So we turned around the age of 12 and my family moved out of the neighborhood. I got older and moved out of state, to a few different sates and so did my sweetheart. About five years had past and I was around 17 or 18 and we had both moved back to our home town and heard each other was back threw our moms and I decided to call him. I had a boyfriend of 3 years at the time. I saw him and melted again. We were kids again, but we thought we were so in love with each other, just it was unspoken. We hung around each other for about a month and then lost touch and went our separate ways. Now 6 years later I hear he is back in our home town again and I live only about 70 miles from home. I look him up and send him a surprise email. Only to find out he was looking for me to. He had went and saw my mother to find out were I was. Now we are older, both have careers, I am in the Navy so I get sent every were and he has his work that makes him travel as well. So he responds to my email and calls me within about 20 minutes after I send it. He drives down 70 miles to see me. It's like we are kids again, but we are grown up and can communicate better. We go out for dinner and then some drinks. Still in our sober state, he says out of the blue " Emily, I have been in love with you since I was eight years old and I am still in love with you to this day". I respond with " I have been in love with you since I was eight as well, I cant believe I am hearing this. So that night we spend the whole night telling each other how much we missed each other, oh yah and at this point neither one of us have a partner for the first time. So We end up have the best sex ever, lasts for hours and we cant stop kissing and telling each other what we both love about each other, we fall asleep with him holding me in his arms so tight. I have two children now, and he doesnt mind that at all and

I am leaving in the Navy for some work coming up soon and he is sad to see me go, but he says, he has waited this long , he can wait a little longer. So I guess my question is should we start an actual relationship. I remember us as kids, I was his first crush and he annoyed me so much as boys do when you are little. But to this day every time I see or even hear his voice I melt away.

Please tell me what you think I should do.

View related questions: crush, kissing, moved out, navy

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (6 January 2007):

TasteofIndia agony auntWhat a great story!! What a great story to tell the grandkids!

It sounds like a story of true love. Absolutely I think you should go for it! It seems like for you, he's the one who got away. You've both dated around, and you still haven't found someone as good as each other. What's a few more months or even years? It sounds like destiny keeps bringing you two together.

Sounds like you really have something special. Hold on to it!

You lucky girl!!


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A female reader, CarrieMagdelene United States +, writes (5 January 2007):

CarrieMagdelene agony auntHey! It sounds like you two are meant to be if you ask me! This is a super question, because I can imagine how torn you're feeling. If you two were meant to be, and you both are truly in love, perhaps you might feel it's apropriate to get married and take him with you. But don't rush in if you're not ready, because that's just going to cause a lot of trouble! Talk about the options of him moving close by there, of getting married in the future, and about communication while you're away. Enjoy life! -Carrie

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