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Should I pursue this girl?

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Question - (11 October 2012) 3 Answers - (Newest, 12 October 2012)
A male United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

"Dear Cupid,"

I am a freshman in high school, and I need some advice. I am in band, and I really like this girl on dance line thats my age. Well, last friday was homecoming and she started dating this big guy, I like to refer to him as "Blonde Beard the plunderer of British ships acros the world", mainly because he has a blonde beard and he has dated most of the girls in our grade at our small high school.

Well, to be honest, I thought he just asked her out to have a date for the homecoming dance, but during the dance she constantly hugged him and slow danced with him, which both pissed me off and hurt my feelings. Later that night, she texted me asking me what was wrong, and I lied, of course, and told her I was just tired.

Now, my birthday is Friday and she is bringing me cupcakes and brownies. Then, Saturday, we are going to six flags to celebrate, and she is going with a freind in a seperate car. I really think they won't last past Friday, since he's a player, but what if they don't? If they do, what do i do? And then again, there is a girl that would go out with me right now that I used to like. What do i do?

View related questions: player, text

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (12 October 2012):

If you know the other girl likes you, then why are you so focused on this girl? Maybe you need to think about this a lot more.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (12 October 2012):

This guy does not sound like he's good for her, since he's a "player",and you really don't know if she even likes you like that.

For all you know, she could just be sticking you n the freindzone. If you think about it rationally, you could have asked her out before he did, at least that way, she'd have given you an answer. Oh, and as for the other comment, it sounded angry, and this is a help site, not a "You don't think they'd last past Friday!" how dare you sort of thing.

Well, anyways, stay away from the guy, because he might have figured out that you like her, for all you know he could have looked up "Blonde Beard plunderer of British ships" and seen this already.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 October 2012):

You don't think they'd last past friday!

What makes you think your relationship with her could or would last longer?

At your age, you're likely to crush on someone new every other maybe they won't last at all. But chances are, neither will the two of you...

I honestly think this is a little infatuation and you're just getting away with it.

There really isn't much to do right now!

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