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Should I be worried about my partner's porn watching?

Tagged as: Dating, Pornography<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 October 2007) 7 Answers - (Newest, 30 October 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

hi i know my partner watches porn he also downloads it on the internet it bothers me sometimes because he trys to hide it i would rather him tell the truth, it also makes me feel am not enough for him but recently i found a half naked local woman on his computer that he had downloaded i asked him about it but he said it must of downloaded with something else with a nervous smile i know he loves me to bits and we have a fantastic sex life so someone tell me should i be worried or is this porn watching more of a man thing than a womans!

View related questions: porn, sex life, the internet

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 October 2007):

hi me again about the porn i would just like to say i have watched porn myself with my boyfriend its not just about that its the fact that he hides it is it because hes embarassed that i know he does it behind my back and as for the picture again i dont think he actually knows this person he carnt lie to save his life but thanks again for all your replys!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 October 2007):

hi am the person who wrote in about my boyfriend and the porn i would just like to say thanks for your replies, and also about the picture of the half naked woman its not a neighbour just a picture of a woman in the same area that came of the internet!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 October 2007):

Hey you

I don't think you should worry about the porn... thats pretty predictable of men ...but the neighbour!!!!! yes i would worry about that - also you say you have a great sex life is that as a couple or as individuals because if he's got a head full of other women during sex - is that good for you?

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A male reader, pyan Australia +, writes (30 October 2007):


a few years ago went through the same phase looking at porn on the internet and tried to hide it from my wife. we too were having a great sex life and i didn't realy know what i was looking for on the net.

she caught me several times and it was hard to explain to her why what i was doing and it would end in us not talking.

One day we discussed it openly as to why i thought i did it, again i could give an answer but said it did turn me on see normal people having sex and that the clips i looked at were home made

She asked to look and i showed her a few site i looked at which was mainly home made couples clips. the funny thing was she got quite turned on by it as they where real people. after that i never bothered that same as it was somthing we did together when we wanted a little extra spice

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A female reader, LIERIN United States +, writes (30 October 2007):

LIERIN agony auntDo not worry about it at all!

And YES! You are enought for him! Its not about you at all! He loves you and porn wont change it.

I am a woman, but I dont mind porn at all.Its not about the woman in there, its about the actuall act. Man - some woman too, just like to watch it .. and its fine!

Hey, its not reall people running around naked in your bedroom right .. its just TV - nothing more than that!!!!!!!!!!!

SO don't worry ..

Just tell him, you would be much happier, if he tells you the truth and not hide it infront of you ,... that you would feel more comfortable about it

Youll be fine

Good luck

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A male reader, PhilManco United States +, writes (30 October 2007):

PhilManco agony auntHmm... porn, I think, is not anything to be overly worried about.

A picture of a half naked local woman, though, would certainly raise a red flag or two for me. How do you know the image is of a "local woman." Is it someone that you or your partner actually know?

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A male reader, Karlos Omnis United Kingdom +, writes (30 October 2007):

Karlos Omnis agony auntYou really shouldn't worry yourself.

Masturbation is to sex as a Big Mac is to a three course meal.

Nothing beats it in terms of instant gratification, and the fact that you have a healthy sex life illustrates the fact that you really have nothing to be concerned about.

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