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She told me she loved ME, then all of a sudden broke up to be with him!

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 February 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 16 February 2009)
A male India age 36-40, anonymous writes:


ok i dated this girl..i thought we were gonna take things slowly..but she was like madly in love..she kept sayin that she's never felt like this about anyone..and she's totally in love and stuff..even i got pretty serious about her..then there was this guy who kept pestering her to date him..she told me about it..she kept sayin that she's tryin to ignore him and stuff..i trusted i really didnt bother..

after a couple of days she tells me that she wants to break up and that she always liked him..i asked her if she was foolin around with me all this while..she said that she really loved me and meant whatever she said but she had a major crush on him..and she broke up to be with him

how do i handle this??its been a couple of months now..i am still not over her..24/7 she tells you that she loves you..and all of a sudden she says it was never was always him

View related questions: broke up, crush

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A reader, anonymous, writes (16 February 2009):

Do you know what i'm thinking.... MOVE ON! You may like her but somebody that treats you like that is not worth the trouble. You should just go out and have a good time in trhe clubs find someone you do like and treats you well, dont feel put out by one persons behaviour there is so many other nice and kind people out there so GO FOR IT!

hope this helps :) x

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