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Questions about orgasms during Sex.

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Question - (30 November 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 30 November 2007)
A male Zambia age 41-50, *hlez83 writes:

I'm really not asking this because of my sex life,which has tremendously improved.Some of the questions posted 2day had me thinking.Though i came up with answers i need to hear what other people think.As a man,if your lover doesn't scream during your lovemaking does that mean,you have not satisfied her?Does a woman need to moan and cry during sex to certify that you are satisfying her?In short does the absence of noise from your partner mean that you are not htting the mark?

I've met guys who believe that if a woman doesnt scream for mercy then he'd never sleep with her again.

My other question is which one comes 1st love or sex?Should you sleep with someone to make them love you or should you wait to love them before having sex with them?

Lastly why are Americans SOOO sexually active?

View related questions: orgasm, sex life

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A female reader, anni23 United Kingdom +, writes (30 November 2007):

Firstly many women respong differently to sex and just because a woman is not screaming her head of it does not mean she isn't enjoying it. Infact many women only make niose during sex because they know it's what the man wants to hear. But i can certainly assure you that many women actually cum in silence. It all really comes down to the individual, some women don't make noise because they are shy to others because they are concentrating on the feeling. So you really shouldn't worry.

Secondly no one should try and make somebody fall in love with them. Love is a very free emotion and it is not something that can be forced. If you want to sleep with someone you should sleep with them because you want to enjoy that person physically. Realistically you dont have to love someone to sleep with them. Just that the two people envolved want to have sex.

In response to your last question, i dont think anybody can answer that! Again its all down to the individual, some are just more sexually active than others. I hope my response has helped in some way.

Take care

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