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My new guy says he likes that I give him space... but I want to see more of him!

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Question - (5 April 2005) 1 Answers - (Newest, 5 April 2005)
A , anonymous writes:

I met this great guy a few months ago. He comes into the shop where I work, although it took ages for us to speak to each other, as we are both quite shy.

I asked my work mate to give him my phone number one night when I wasn't at work. He phoned me straight away and we arranged to meet up.

I have been for a drink with him once, three weeks ago. We had a really good chat about ourselves. The problem is every time he arranges to meet me he never turns up.

He never phones or texts me unless I do it first. He comes into the shop and sometimes he doesn't even speak to me. He said the reason he likes me is because I am different to most other women in that I leave him alone most of the time and don't keep on at him.

I am finding this more and more difficult because I don't want to leave him alone; I want to get to know him better. I want things to progress between us.

I am prepared to take things slow,as he has a small child,and is having trouble with access. But what is his problem with me why does he keep letting me down all the time?

Now he has gone all quiet again and is not answering my texts. I really like him and I have feelings, which are being extremely hurt. I cannot go on like this any longer. Please someone tell me what to do. thank you.

View related questions: at work, shy, text

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A reader, x-clare-x +, writes (5 April 2005):

Either he has multiple personality disorder or he just needs to grow up a little. If he's not making an effort with you then why should you bother. He can't be that special if he doesn't even turn up! After all, if you have any feelings for someone at all or even the smallest bit of decency, you wouldn't want to upset them.

It sounds to me like you are trying to get something out of him that he doesn't want to give you. You can't make the guy be something that he's not. You said that he is having problems with seeing his child at the moment, perhaps that is occupying his mind but never the less, it would be nice if he could let you know what is going on.

You need to sit down and talk with him about your feelings otherwise you will just be left wondering. If he can't commit to anything and you both want different things then maybe he's not the right guy for you.

hope this helps

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