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Are my fantasies telling me something?

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Question - (5 April 2005) 2 Answers - (Newest, 5 April 2005)
A , anonymous writes:

Happily married but have been having gay fantasies. Does this mean I may be bi or gay?

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A female reader, Bev Conolly Australia +, writes (5 April 2005):

Bev Conolly agony auntFantasies are just that: daydreams. Imagination.

Lots of people have fantasies that they don't actually want to carry out, but that are extremely erotic for reasons that, as individuals, we don't even understand.

There are a million shades of grey in human sexuality and, yes, you could have bi or gay leanings. But the real test is, if given complete freedom from restraint, would you find the fantasies as exciting in the flesh as you do in your mind? Would you carry them out with a willing partner?

If so, then there's your answer. But I think the greater chance is that the fantasies appeal because they're not real life and whatever they represent to you is the real core of the issue.

Hope this sheds some light on the issue for you.

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A reader, Devil's Advocate +, writes (5 April 2005):

Devil's Advocate agony auntYes, probably.

Devil's Advocate

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