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My ex has jumped straight into a new relationship and she wants me to leave her alone, but I want her back! What should I do?

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 May 2013) 2 Answers - (Newest, 21 May 2013)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

So my ex girlfriend/the mother of my child of 5years broke up with me and is involved in a rebound relationship. I really want her back but don't know what to do, I've tried expressing my feelings but that seems to push her further away and closer to her new boyfriend. I know she still loves me and care for me I can see it in her eyes when she look at me but yet she act like she doesnt care. her new relationship happened so fast and it seems to be getting strong very fast. today I ask should I just leave her alone and she said yes just for now because her new relationship is going well. could someone please tell me what to do? I can't do the no contact thing because we have a daughter together, any advice is good thank you

View related questions: broke up, ex girlfriend, my ex

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A female reader, loveoverhate United States +, writes (21 May 2013):

the best thing for you to do is try to move on sometimes being apart from someone is the best way for them to realize what they had. if she sees you happy with someone she will become jealous and say things like dont have other women around my child or just honestly become more attracted to you if she sees other women going after you she will realize that you may be a good man and father and that she was wrong for leaving. just remember no one wants a clingy needy for attention partner that gets annoying and im sure she was probably annoyed by you which made her intrested in someone else! make yourself available to other women and not just her. and see how it goes. good luck

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A female reader, sugarplum786 South Africa +, writes (21 May 2013):

sugarplum786 agony auntHi, let her go and no there is nothing you can say or do to change her mind.

The no contact is possible. Arrnge through a third person for you to see your kid until such a time you can do so without begging the ex to come back to you. Its the only way you are going to let go and stop hoping that yourll can reconcile.

I recommend that you also start hanging out with friends and keep busy, which will help you move on.

She cannot appreciate you and want you as long as you are hovering around. Sometimes we have to lose something to appreciate its value - that just maybe what your ex needs to realise.

Start the no contact and dont use your kid as an excuse and yes we are human to do just that and justify our actions.

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