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I've just realised my BF is only 16 years younger than my parents! How do I tell them?

Tagged as: Age differences, Family, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 May 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 19 May 2007)
A female age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Hiya I'm 20 from Reading and the man I'm dating is 27 from London. It's never bothered me before until I realized something....

He's only 16 years younger than my parents!

My Mum is 43 and my dad is 45. I'm afraid to tell them about my boyfriend because he's only 16 years away from being as old as them! Help!!

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A female reader, Farris United Kingdom +, writes (19 May 2007):

Farris agony auntYour boyfriend's age is still A LOT closer to yours than theirs (twice as much close), so I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

And even if he was one year younger than your parents, if you really loved him then that would be okay too. Your parents might have issues with it to begin with, but if you showed them how much you liked this man, and how much he liked, & respected you, then they would warm to him too.

I think your relationship is perfectly healthy, so don't worry!

Best wishes!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 May 2007):

Hi hunny

Don't worry if you're happy with him, then that's all that matters.

You're an adult so you can make your own decisions.

Your parents may be fine with it and if they're not just explain to them that you're happy. I'm sure they'll understand.

Good luck and keep me posted


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A male reader, eddie Canada +, writes (18 May 2007):

eddie agony auntWhy is 16 the magic number? This seems to be just some barrier you've made in your head. It really doesn't make sense. What if it was 15..14..?

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (18 May 2007):

TasteofIndia agony auntIf it didn't bother you before, it shouldn't bother you now. If you feel like this guy is on the same level as you, that's all that should matter. 16 years is a pretty big gap.

You're both in your twenties, and your parents are both in their forties. That seems right.

I don't think I'd worry about it too much, sweetness.


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