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Is this enough proof to get him in trouble?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Family, Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 May 2009) 11 Answers - (Newest, 10 July 2009)
A female United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

my friend is 17. she is dating a 22 year old. this girl is my friend and this is my brother she's dating.

recently he broke up with her and shes been so unhappy.

i found out that her friends want to call the cops on him because of their age difference. Plus they find it revenge for him dumping her.

my question is.. what kind of trouble would he get in?

The only real proof she has are pics of them kissing and he has pics on his phone.

Though everyone knew about them dating: students in the school, teachers, parents, etc.

please help me know what she can do to him cause this is my brother and all...

View related questions: broke up, kissing, revenge

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A female reader, krazykira22 United Kingdom +, writes (10 July 2009):

krazykira22 agony aunthows it going? x

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A male reader, unclezak United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

Why are there so many brits talking about Australia? There's an American flag by the posters name. Let the Yanks try and help this girl and her brother people.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

Was your brother sleeping with the girl? he knew the law. In America it's 18 and he must have known that when he got involved with a 17 year old. It's reasons like this why I wonder why some guys go for underage girls.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

She is legal and so is he you and your friends are just evil and immature to want to do such a thing!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

In defense of Armywife, each state can hve its own law. Normally, if she is under 18 and he over 18, he can go to jail.

Example: I was seventeen and my two male friends were 18. The three girls we were with were all under 18. We went to Mexico and on our way back we were stopped and our Idenification was checked. They would not release my two male friends until the girls parents declined to press charges against them. This was in early 1970. Laws have only gotten stricter.

Like the U.K., we have Common Law. The two are suppose to be very similar. Common Law trumps all other laws here in the states.

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A female reader, krazykira22 United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

krazykira22 agony auntbabe seriously dont panick, theres nothing anyone can do about it and your brother cant get in trouble. The age to have sex is 16 in the uk and trust me the cops wudnt take her mates seriously. Especially her as shes not over 18 and considered an adult in the eyes of the law plus your brother has done nothing wrong, its just the girl trying to get over it and her friends protecting her. Just ignore it. Hope this helps, ever need to chat, message me x

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A male reader, PokerRob United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

Question to ArmyWife.....

How can they possible get him into trouble when she is 17, and im pretty sure the legal age to partake in ANY form of sexual activity in Australia is 16 like the UK?????

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

Well, sorry. I don't know what happens where you live. I'm just talking about the US. She would have to be 18.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

That is one of the most immature things i have heard in a long time. Even on this site. These little girls are getting "revenge" because he dumped his girlfriend?? This is unbelievable to me!! Relationships don't work out.. that's it.. would they have been happier if they had gotten married?

They are ruining his LIFE here.. it's not a silly game.

He'll get jail time, everywhere he moves, neighbors will have to be warned that he is moving in there, he'll be on maps on the internet, GOODLUCK finding a JOB or getting into another relationship! I mean, good lord. This is rediculous. The relationship was the resposibility of BOTH people and if the only reason they want to get him in trouble was because he dumped her.. then they need to know the reality of what they're actually doing.

You have to talk to her about it. If she's your friend, how can she possible do this?

I'm sorry.. i'm not mmuch help.. i just ranted. But at least you have an opinion..

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A male reader, PokerRob United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

Yeh 17 and 22 isn't a big age gap at all and unless Australia has some weird rules where they don't class 17 as being an adult he wouldn't get in ANY trouble at all.

In the UK a 16 year old girl can legally date, marry and have sexual intercourse with any man over the age of 16.

So legally a 16 year old can marry a 50 year old, now that's an age gap.

For a 22 year old to get in trouble by doing stuff with a 17 year old (excluding rape and sexual assault of course) would just be ridiculous.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

Im not sure what the law is in Australia but in the UK legally a 16 year old can date, marry and have sex with anyone aged 16-any age above.

17 and 22 isn't a big age difference at all, so she shouldnt be able to get him in any trouble unless Australia have some weird laws.

My m8 was 25 when he started dating his current GF who was 17, know one though anything of this and they have been dating for 2 years now and are buying a house together!

Hope this helps :)!

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