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Is it okay to be best friends with my teacher?

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 April 2010) 23 Answers - (Newest, 17 August 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

My english teacher is my best friend, me and her dont see a problem with it, but some of my friends say im being stupid and i cant be best friends with a teacher.

We will always be best friends, we decided on that a couple of weeks before the easter holidays, she means the world to me and i dont know what i would do without her, she recently got stuck in lanzarote because of the stupid volcanic ash, and as soon as she was back i gave her a hug and told her how much i missed her, and she said she missed me too.

I dont see a problem in me and my english teacher being best friends, what do you think?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 August 2010):

Well, this is something I'm trying to figure out too. I, too, and good friends with my teacher. I befriended her because I had heard so many bad things about her, I wanted to get to know the real person. I ended up helping out after school, almost everyday. We are waiting for me to graduate before actually calling one another friends. What I've found from my experience is that if you can't be friends with your teachers, then who can you be friends with. They are there for guidance and support, and can only accomplish that with a solid foundation of a relationship. So as long as you keep the student-teacher bounds while your in school and always respect her you should be good.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2010):

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thanks, I'm going to try to get things back on track now, because it should be easier for me now

thank you so much for all your help, I will let you know if I ever need your help with anything else, because you are great :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2010):

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well, we were planning to go to the cinema and see eclipse together when it comes out, but I'm going with some of my other friends now anyway, because it's one of their birthdays so she invited me and another friend.

and yeah, I am kinda hoping that it might be better after I've left school, because maybe it might be different, because I wont be a student any more

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 June 2010):

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haha, i see you like the invisible chocolate! :)

and yeah, i think its best, because if it went wrong again, then i would get into a lot of trouble for it.

but to be honest, i don't think i'm ever going to replace her, she was the best friend ever, and nobody could ever be as amazing as her

im just going to take things slowly with her now, and try to build up the trust again, hopefully, in time, we will become closer again, but just back to friends, not best friends.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 June 2010):

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hey marieclare,

i went to see her at lunchtime today, and one of my friends said to her 'miss *** wants to talk to you, but she's too scared' so then my English teacher asked me what I wanted to talk to her about, so I said 'I just want to say I'm sorry' then my English teacher said 'its okay, I accept your apology, but you need to not come to see me so often, because my life is really busy at the moment' so I said 'okay miss, so does this mean that me and you are okay now?' and she said 'yeah, we are okay now' then she said she had to go, because she was hungry, so I said bye to her, and then as soon as she was out of sight, I shouted yes! because i was so happy, I haven't got her back properly, but I'm happy now that I've apologised and we are talking again, I'm the happiest I've been in weeks, but she isn't going to be at school on Mon/Tues/weds next week, so she said she will talk to me on Thursday after English at break time so that we can have a catch up.

so for now, we are friends again, but I've already decided not to be best friends with her again, because I know what I'm like, I would probably go and ruin it again...

but thank you so much for all the help and advice that you have given me, it has helped me a lot, and now I'm getting the friendship back on track, I am very grateful to you for helping me with this, if I could meet you, I would buy you chocolate or something, but I cant so, here is some invisible chocolate... lol thank you xxx :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2010):

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yeah, i think i will

i will keep you updated on what happens x

but thanks for all your help :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2010):

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i suppose it's worth a try, maybe if i ignore her too, then she might begin to feel guilty, and then she might want to talk to me, so do you think, that if after a week or so, she hasnt come to me to talk, then i should give up trying?

and yeah, i agree with you, she's acting like a 13 year old, and she's suppose to be about 33, although im not sure exactly how old she is.

to be honest, she is a drama queen, you should see her in some of englsh lessons, although it is actually hilarious sometimes, like when she decided to sing love story by taylor swift, haha, thinking back to that makes me laugh, which is helping my sadness :)

and now you say it, she has an apology to make to me, because she lied to me, because she said about nothing changing our friendship, then she let one stupid little mistake change it :(

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2010):

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but the thing is, she really was my best friend, and i really was her best friend, because a few weeks before it all happened, i was unsure of whether she was for real or not, and one of my friends had said she was lying to me just to keep me happy, so i asked her about it and got upset over it, and she comforted me, and told me that we really were best friends and nothing could get in the way of that.

I have been focusing on my other friends, but i just cant forget about her, there was a time when she was all i had, and i just wish i could have that back.

And it is my fault, I was the one who did the recording then wrote the letter, so its all my fault, i accept all the blame for it.

She told one of my friends that she still likes me but just doesnt trust me anymore, which is why i dont understand why she wont listen to me, because surely if she still likes me then she would listen.

And i agree with you, she should have talked to me about it, rather than having a go at me, then blanking me completely after saying she would talk to me the next day. :'(

by the way, im sorry to put all my trouble to you, after all you're a stranger to me, but i suppose that's what this website's for :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 June 2010):

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I know. But if I leave it, then I definitely wont get her back because I know what she's like, she wont come to me, because if I stay away from her, then she's just gonna forget me, and then I wont get her back. I know you're right, but I've just had enough of being ignored when all I want to do is say sorry. For now, I would be happy for her to just let me apologise and leave it at that, because I would understand if she doesn't want to be friends again, but to be honest, the least she could do is just listen to my apology, even all my other friends say that too. I have English with her before break time in a couple of days, so I might try to talk to her then, and just see if she will let me apologise, because if I try to talk to her outside of my lessons with her, she just walks off and blanks me completely before I've had a chance to even say hi to her and I just wish she would let me say sorry, because I really do mean it. :(

Oh, by the way, thank you for your help so far :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 June 2010):

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Well, answer to number 1: I dunno, it was just one of those hyper days, and my friends said it'd be a good idea.

answer to number 2: I didnt use it for anything, I just listened back to it by myself, and laughed at all the funny bits because she is a bit mad and so are our english lessons.

answer to number 3: in the letter, it just said, I'm gonna be honest with you, I recorded our lesson, and stuff about her being the best friend ever

answer to number 4: she just kinda said not to do it again, and that I should leave her alone for the rest of the day, and she said that she would talk to me the next day

but she didnt, and I know I did wrong, but her ignoring me when I just wanna apologise, I personally think, is worse than what I did, because for once in my life, I actually am truthfully sorry, and I just don't know how to get through to her because she wont listen to me, and my friends wont talk to her for me, and I've thought about writing an apology letter, but then I thought that she might have a go at me for writing another letter, I just need some way of telling her how sorry I am, and how upset I am that she's ignoring me when I just want to say sorry, because I really do regret doing what I did, and if I could go back and change it, then I would, because she means everything to me...


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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 June 2010):

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well... it upsets me to think about it really, but i will cope;

one day i was really hyper and i thought it would be a good idea to record our english lesson on my phone, so i did, then i wrote a letter to my english teacher (best friend) about it, and she had a go at me, and now im sure she hates me, and i just dont know what to do, because i really want to say sorry, but every time i try to talk to her, she just walks off and ignores me, and im just so upset about it, i just wish i could say sorry, and make everything better, i want things to be how they used to be, i need her back, especially as im starting my gcse's next year, because she had promised to help me through them, and now i dont have her to help me, and i dont have her to go and give hugs to, and i dont have her to talk to anymore, and i just want her back, ive never been more sorry about anything in my life, but she just wont listen...


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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 June 2010):

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No, I'd rather not, sorry. It was the stupidest thing I've ever done. But what I will say is that she won't listen to my apology, I try to say sorry every time I see her, and after every English lesson, but nothing works. Every day I think back to when we were best friends, and I shut myself in my room and cry, because all I want is for everything to go back to how it was before, I miss going to see her in her classroom every break time and lunchtime, I miss getting the best hugs ever from her, I miss being able to tell her anything, but what I miss most of all is being her best friend...


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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 June 2010):

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Just an update;

I went and ruined the friendship, it's a long story so I'm not going to explain it, lets just say, i've lost her forever, and lets just say that my life is never gonna be the same again, and lets just say that I want to apologise to her but she wont listen, and lets just say that I want her back, but its not gonna happen. I stuffed up big time, no joke, and I cant go back now, the best friendship I'd ever had is gone forever...


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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 April 2010):

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they didnt mind at all that she was there today at lunchtime, i think it did make them see how much it means to me that my english teacher is my best friend, because they realised how much fun she is and i think now, things might be easier for me

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (26 April 2010):

Laura1318 agony auntToo much negative news about teachers falling in love with their students and inappropriate relationships in your country.You cannot blame them for having those perspectives.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 April 2010):

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no i dont think they do realise that, i am hoping that today i will be able to make them realise that, because it is my birthday and my english teacher is going to be with us all lun chtime todat because i asked her to, so im hoping that will make my friends see a bit of sense

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 April 2010):

No problem at all - teachers are just slightly older human beings! I was friendly with my maths tutor (who is a man) and I used to play sports with him. Unfortunately he moved away, but I occasionally text him and see how he's doing. Your friends sound immature - do they not realise that having a teacher on your side is valuable???

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 April 2010):

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marieclaire : we tell eachother most things, there are probably things that she doesnt tell me, but i dont mind becuase she is my teacher and i understand that she cant tell me absolutely everything

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 April 2010):

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emilysanswers: i havnt really told my friends that none of them are good enough, we each have our own best friend, and mine just happens to be my english teacher, but thank you for your answer.

laura1318: thank you, she really does help me a lot, i can talk to her about anything, ive told her things that i wouldnt dare tell my parents, she is amazing :)

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A female reader, Emilysanswers United Kingdom +, writes (24 April 2010):

As long as you realise that it's still only a school time friendship.

She's never going to let you into her personal life.

Also, it's not very nice to tell your friends that none of them are good enough, and you've picked someone else. It's no wonder they aren't thrilled about it.

Why not just have everyone, teacher included as close friends and not designate one of them the winner. It's not a competition.

Good Luck!! xx

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (24 April 2010):

Laura1318 agony auntDefinitely no problem as long as you two don't cross the thin RED line.

Having a teacher as your best friend is a great motivation.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 April 2010):

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thank you, i just wish my friends would see that

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A female reader, MonksDaBomb United States +, writes (24 April 2010):

MonksDaBomb agony auntNot at all! Teachers really do make a difference in our lives. I'm still friends with a lot of my teachers - even my first grade teacher remembers me and we chat occasionally! I loved high school and whenever I'm home and the school is still open (not on break), I go in and visit my teachers, who always give me big hugs and we chat a long time. In my opinion, it is very important to have someone there who respects you and has your back and is there to talk if there is nobody that is around your age you can talk to.

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