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If things don't go the way he wants it then he gets mad.

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 July 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 5 July 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I just need opinions! Heres what its about.

Well i have a boyfriend and ive been going out with him for ten months now, but the big problem is that he treats me like his little B**ch. See he sais its all because his ex girlfriend cheated on him that he was so in love with her and he was the best boyfriend with her like he didnt care about anything she did and then she cheated on him. And so he sais that he cant be like that with me because what if i do the same that she did.

He gets mad for everything basically if nothing comes out the way he wants it he gets mad. He will get mad if i go out with friends, He doesnt let me wear what i want, he doesnt let me talk to guy friends. Like all that tipe of stuff, and so we fight basically everyday!. i love him with all my heart and actually this is my longest relationship. i know that he loves me, i know that for a fact. and hes sweet like a really good boyfriend when everything is his way. but it bothers me how i get to be treated like im nothing, i will never cheat on him, i love him so much that i wouldnt want to loose him, but i think i deserve to be treated much better. I just want some opinions of different people, tellin me what they think i should do.

View related questions: ex girlfriend, his ex

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A male reader, tornNconflicted United States +, writes (5 July 2009):

u do deserve to be treated better. he is just emotionally immature. he is projecting the bad experience of his old relationship into the new one with you and taking out his frustration on you. your too young to get hung up on such a person and be scarred for life by it. move on and find someone who will treat you with respect

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A female reader, im-the-one-to-ask United States +, writes (3 July 2009):

aww im 13 and i just got out of a relationship with my bf who was a total jerk and liued to me the whole time we dated! but you need to take your bf to a place you guys can talk alone with no interruptions and tell him that your NOT his ex, and will never be! and he needs to know how much you love him(if he's really sure about your love for him, then show it even more!!! ;]) he needs to know he can trust you. he sounds pretty nice besides the the whole "he doesnt let you do anything you want." he seems to be having some trust issues in a way to where it gets really out of hand and it could ruin your relationship. its all about taking your time..go with the flow. tell him how you feel. let him know its ok to be affraid. but not to a point where he tells you wut to do all the time. it will take time for him to "recover." if you let him, he'll kno just how trustworthy you really are!!!!! ;]

-hope this helps in ANY way at all!!!!!

-best of luck!!! :D

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A female reader, Fifteen United States +, writes (3 July 2009):

Sit down and talk with him and tell him exactly how you feel. Explain to him that you love him and would never cheat on him. Also tell him he can't control everythng you do. Hope this helps.

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