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I would like to find a healthy and loving relationship

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (23 October 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 23 October 2007)
A female Canada age , anonymous writes:

I would like to find a healthy and loving relationship

(Mod note: this is normally rejected, but I'm leaving this in. Note to poster: we need more information about yourself and what you're looking for. Web sites to meet possible love interests are prime.)

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A male reader, Ponungalungb United States +, writes (23 October 2007):

Ponungalungb agony auntWouldn't we all. . . .

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 October 2007):

Sounds like you might have been involved already in various abusive relationships. You have to get counseling to find out why you would go from one abusive relationship into another.

Abusive relationships are supposed to teach us a lesson in what to avoid on future relationships, so you clearly need to learn what to look for and what to avoid in your next relationship so this never happens again.

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