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I post sexy pictures of myself on Facebook! Is this bad even though it keeps me from having sex?

Tagged as: Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 September 2010) 10 Answers - (Newest, 27 September 2010)
A female Trinidad and Tobago age 26-29, anonymous writes:


so im a 15 yr old girl and i get really horny sometimes.i try to keep good for my parents but its like a naughtier me is clawing itself out.i was on facebook one day and some random chick with sexy photos sent me a friend request and i ignored it but it gave me an i went with it.i take sexy photos of my body(everything exept my face) and post it on a fake facebook account i made for myself with a fake name and everything.i like to see how guys react to them.i even do some hot stuff on cam too. .i feel like if i dont do this i might get myself into trouble by having sex with my boyfriend.i know people say im a teenager and its hormones but he's known me a really long time we've been together since i was 13 but hes been my friend since i was 12.we'd love to take our relationship to a sexual level.but i promised my parents id stay a virgin until at least 18.i dont want to disappiont them.basically my question is.

is doing all that stuff online bad even though it keeps me from having sex?

View related questions: facebook, horny

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 September 2010):

It is bad because because you have a boyfriend.

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A male reader, Jmtmj Australia +, writes (2 September 2010):

Jmtmj agony auntGlad to hear it :) It sucks that you have to give up something that you like doing, but its just way too risky in general and especially at your age. You're making the right decision, good on ya!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 September 2010):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

i realise now that i made a going to quit doin that stuff but im still not planning on losing my virginity anytime soon.thanks for the advice everyone

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (1 September 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntYou're playing with fire. There was a girl on here that a guy messaged her on Facebook she sent naughty pics of herself, sent videos of her and her boyfriend having sex, kept on chatting with this guy and then she let it slip where she lived. I suppose because the guy told her where he lived too. Big mistake, he came to her house when she was alone in the house, doors unlocked, came in and raped her. Now she's pregnant. Luckily, her friend convinced her to report it to the authorities. You don't think it could happen to you but there are sick and dangerous people in this world and all you're doing is inviting them in.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 September 2010):

I agree with all previous posts.. And to add on to DrPsych's response-

if those cops do show up, you will be arrested and charged for distributing child pornography.

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A female reader, DrPsych United Kingdom +, writes (1 September 2010):

DrPsych agony auntAlthough you may feel that what you are doing online is 'mature', it is really leaving you open to being victimised by older men. It is also the start of a worrying behavioural pattern where you get off on exhibitionism through a webcam at a young age. This may lead to further acts later in life when the buzz of this wears off and you want to try something else. The reality is that your audience comprise of curious teenage boys and predatory paedophiles. In fuelling the fantasies of the second group, you encourage them to go out and act on these urges in the community on children. One part of the disordered thinking of paedophiles is that underage kids like sexual attention. In behaving the way that you do then you are contributing to their sense of there being no harm in abuse. You also put yourself and your family at risk. Anyone with a high level of computer literacy and a knowledge of hacking can trace your webcam and facebook accounts (IP addresses). It is then rather easy for them to work out where you live. This is how the police trace offenders and their victims online. Imagine the police knocking on your front door announcing to your mother or father that their daughter is the porn queen of facebook.

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A female reader, maverick494 United States +, writes (1 September 2010):

I'm going to be pretty harsh, so if you can't handle that, too bad.

Some questions for you:

- Did you know that they can use those photo´s and vids on sex sites? Sure, it's without your head on them, but still...many ads are made with just boobs and a butt on them. Could be yours next time.

- Why do you feel the need to expose yourself this way? This is not to keep yourself off sex (if any, this makes it even worse) but to show the world how hot you think you are. That's why the idea of other guys commenting on you excites you. And that's pretty sad.

- What are your goals in life? Becoming the next Sasha Grey?

- Do you have any idea what your boyfriend would think of this? Sure, if you're careful he may never find out. But what does that say about you as a person?

You're acting like an irresponsible teen. Oh wait, you are... If you're serious about staying a virgin and keeping your relationship, quit doing this nonsense right now. Either that or break up. It's not fair to your boyfriend if his underage gf bares all for a bunch of strangers.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 September 2010):

Err... so you're posting child pornography of yourself on the web?? Did I read this post right?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 September 2010):

I'd be concerned for your boyfriend here. Does he know about this? I don't think my boyfriend would be very happy if I was posting dirty pictures of myself on the internet for the pure reason of getting other guys off...If that is your intention. It seems you're keeping your virginity until you're 18 is out of respect for your parents. Do you think your parents would agree with this either? I don't think they want their daughter half dressed on the internet either.

It is good that you're keeping your identity a secret. This will save you a lot of trouble in case anyone you know comes across them.

Look, you don't have to do this not to have sex. If keeping your promise to your parents is really that important to you, make it your goal to wait until you're 18 and stay commited to this goal. You have control over yourself. And if you do slip, it was a mistake. But at least you aren't degrading yourself by putting yourself all over the internet where other guys that aren't your boyfriend can see. I would actually say this is worse than giving in to having sex.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 September 2010):

Yes very bad! Does your boyfriend know you do it?! You're betraying him.

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