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I need to let go, I want to let go, of my ex-girlfriend!

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 April 2012) 1 Answers - (Newest, 11 April 2012)
A male Brazil age 30-35, anonymous writes:

In june of last year (2011), I met this really interesting girl. We went out a few times and had a little fling. It didn't work out. We broke up and got back together quite a few times; always trying again and again.

Eventually I came to the realization that I liked her more than she liked me. That's probably what went wrong. I don't blame her, it happens.

Months later I met this other girl. We made it official in January of 2012. We're pretty happy, but I have a problem that's been bothering me lately:

I'm still haunted by the first girl.

It isn't much, but enough to make me worry. I'll give you two examples:

a) As most of you probably know, facebook chat registers who you keep in touch with so that, even offline, they appear on your chat window. Both girls are there and, even though I haven't had anything with the first girl since October, we still keep in touch and I am afraid it'll hurt A LOT if I stop talking to her and she disappears from that chat window.

b) This one doesn't happen as frequently: she used to wear a very distinctive perfume: Britney Spears' "Fantasy". I've smelled it a few times on other girls. The problem is that I find it....paralysing. I smell it and, immediately, go back into memories. All the good times and bad times. They all come rushing back.

As much as I'd like to think I let go and have managed to move clearly isn't the case. I'm happy with my current girlfriend. She understands, tries to help and doesn't feel threatened; yet I still feel like I'm doing wrong. I want to let go. I need to let go.

Surely many of you have felt the same! What did you do?

Thank you in advance!

View related questions: broke up, facebook, got back together, move on, my ex

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (11 April 2012):

Danielepew agony auntWhy don't you try to keep some distance from her? Why is she still on your Facebook?

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