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I need help badly! He married and has other women. How do I give him up?

Tagged as: Cheating, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 January 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 21 January 2008)
A female United States age , anonymous writes:

I feel in love with a guy who got married the second time and we began to have sex when even he was in his honey moon.we have been having sex for more than two years and I am a married women,too.but I found out that he has another girl friend who I am sure he has sex with all the time,too. He lies and also a bullshitter. everyone knows this at work, but I try my best to forget about him,but I am so addicted to him for sex. Now I can't sleep often and I have to take sleeping pills all the time.and I lost so much because of this.I need help,friends.Please,please.I can't control myself and I get angry all the time.I am going crazy.

View related questions: at work, sleeping pills

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A female reader, nunununu United States +, writes (21 January 2008):

Hi,all my friends

Thank you so much for your advices.Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.Sorry I did't give you feedback so quickly.becuase I didn't know how and where to write it.I finally found it now.Thank God!Sometimes I am so dum.Thank you all deep down from my heart.I feel much better now.Happy New Year to everyone!


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A female reader, shandygirl United States +, writes (15 January 2008):

shandygirl agony auntThis man has ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND TOO??? Jeez! What a dog! It sounds as though he has his cake & eating it to.

You found out about THIS other girlfriend, but how many others has he had that you DIDN'T find out about.

I am not being mean... but If I were you, I would worry about catching AIDS. It still exists, ya know?

On the other hand ... Honey, you are a married woman. Do you still love your husband? If so, maybe you should start focusing on him. If not, ( if you are having an affair, I feel that you do not) Then don't you think that it is time to get out of it, so that you can meet someone (single) who makes you happy?

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (14 January 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntGo for a holiday if you have the time, to relax your mind.

Get away from that place that will remind you of him. If possible, get another job or get transferred to another location..

Demonise him and you will grow to hate him enough to kill your urge for him.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 January 2008):

Oh honey, he's a loser, a sexy loser, but still a loser. You need to think about keepers. A loser doesn't care much about what he's doing to the woman in his life because he's focused on getting his own pleasure. A keeper cares more about what's going on in your life and wants more from you than what's in your panties.

Dump the loser, ignore him. He's a WOMANIZER and you're just one of his victims--thank heavens you're not the poor woman married to this man--take a cold shower, seduce your husband in a really sexy way and focus on the KEEPERS-- I do hope your husband falls into this category. Or maybe you're a loser not a keeper?

Think with your head here!

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