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I like a girl who's taken!

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 March 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 5 March 2011)
A male Canada age 30-35, *lwayswondering writes:


I like this person for a few years now, despite she's been taken before I met her. I would feel bad if I made someone I like realize that her current relationship may be wrong. At the same time, it's kind of helping as if it would be say 5 years or even at marriage to realize these problems would be more devastating.

I hope I haven't done anything to this friend of mine that may cause her to reevaluate her current relationship, even though I like her a lot and for some reason. I'm in a horrible situation I guess. I haven't slept or accelerated any break ups with anyone, nor will I. Any ideas to get over her? I tried doing the "less hang out time" but it was worse when she went back home for the four month summer between school years.

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A male reader, Alwayswondering Canada +, writes (5 March 2011):

Alwayswondering is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thank you for your response.

I don't want to be the rebound. Or for her to view me as "filling in" for what was lost. I don't think these two will break up as they have been going out for two years. Idk. I kind of wish I never met her tbh. Like, she has been going out before i met her (about half a year or so). So this stupid "crush" isn't gone after knowing her for about two years. (she's STILL taken). That's good for her. I'm happy for her. Usually when I like a person who's taken, it goes away. I come to the realization "oh, she's taken, won't happen. move on". But why is this person different. Why has my logic that has worked before many, many times, not work here. Of course there has to be an exception to every rule. It's just so damn annoying. I see her almost everyday. Also, her and I kind of get close. Like, she leans on me sometimes, in class and such. of course I don't think she does this on purpose. But it happens a little too much... Of course I like it... But she's taken, so i don't know, and it feels and should feel wrong because she's taken.

In short, I've been trying to move on, and it hasn't working. Thank you for your response, I appreciate it.

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A female reader, Purple spotted lizard United Kingdom +, writes (5 March 2011):

There are to options

1. Wait untill free. Try and suck up but dont let her notice you fancie her.

2. Move on.

Think like this *you cant eat an apple that has already been eaten* sometimes giving up is what makes life life. Look forintests she shows in you, that will be the starting point. Its obviusly upsetting you more than you itended a small crush at first would. I have this crush on someone at school, he likes me but hes taken, or was untill yesterday. But I cant go up to him because hes not in the mood for a relationship. Ive been there for him when he needed me and he started loving me. If this girl does come out of a relationship (him dumping her) be there for her and suck up to her, but not to much.

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