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I lied to him! How can I get over this?

Tagged as: Age differences, Dating, Online dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 November 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 18 November 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Im a 17 year old girl in Califronia.Last summer i went to an indain chatroom. I would chat for fun when i was bored, it was a way to get the stress out from school. I ended up talking to a guy, sent him fake pics like always (not that im ugly, but i prefer using other pics cuz idk what they might do with mine) He worked at a office which had a computer, he didnt have 1 at home. Everyday we would chat while he was at his job. He never sent me pics because he said he was unattractive. I told him it was fine and i didnt care (i really didn't) And obviously he coulndt use a webcam in his office. He thought the girl in the pics was gorgeous and was completey stunned by her. He kept on saying that he liked me for my inocence and kindness rather then my (her) looks, which was true. I told him my uncle was going to india in 6 months and i would come too, we planned to meet. That was a lie i told him, I honestly thought by then we wouldnt last that long for sure! But we kept in touch for 6 more monthes (All together it was 10 months that we were together) I didn't know what love was till i met him. We were totally in love with eachother. When the time came i faked that I was going to India and i called him telling him i landed and was staying at a hotel. We planned to meet and i never showed up cuz i was never even in India, and i wasnt that girl. He got mad, and tried to meet me again but the same thing happened. He was angry but told me he was too attached to me. I was torn, I knew this was the last time we would talk. He kept on saying why cant u meet me? Why are you hiding from me? I was crying tellin him i will, but i couldnt, he tried to meet me 1 last time he said if i didnt show up he would end it for good, the day passed and he was true to his word. After that day i havent spoken to him i miss him TOO much every guy i meet is NOTHING compared to him! I dont contact him, i know hell ignore me cuz of all that I've done, i cant even be with him in real life because he lives in India, our culture are so different (im American) and hes 30, while im 17. its sad, i didnt know i was ganna fall for him, i think about him all the time.. How can i get over this ill always have those memories.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 November 2010):

It wasnt very nice to string him along for your own distraction and illustrates why its important not to get too hung up on online meetings. People are often not what they seem!

It might not help if you try contacting him directly with an apology but you could direct him to your post here. And hope he reads it and forgives you.

Having said that. Even if he does forgive you and resumes contact. As youve said yourself. You are 17, live in another country and have very big differences. So it would probably only ever be an online friendship.

Think about it and decide if its even worth trying to repair the damage done. If it isnt then put him to the back of your mind and get busy moving on.

Also picking up on a safety point made here. You dont really know him but youve sure upset him. So if you ever do meet in person, make sure you are not alone. Some people can be a bit scary. They can harbour a grudge, feel theyve been dishonoured and seek revenge. So be very safe and sensible x

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A male reader, Glassheart Singapore +, writes (18 November 2010):

Learn from this incident and move on...but if you were to try and contact him again...make sure someone knows where you are going cause it may turn out ugly and at least someone will know something

hope it helps =]

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A male reader, Cerberus_Raphael Sweden +, writes (18 November 2010):

Cerberus_Raphael agony auntIf you can contact him, I think you should tell him the truth and tell him why you did it. You are underage though and you have never met him so if you do manage to contact him and reveal the truth, nothing can ever really happen until you are older.

If you cannot contact him. Move on. Stop thinking about him and distract yourself from thoughts of him or this whole situation. Be honest from now on. Good luck. Your life will go on and you will meet someone else.

I hope that helps.

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