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I don't believe in my boyfriend good intentions...

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 May 2017) 2 Answers - (Newest, 11 May 2017)
A female United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I am doubting of the "good" intentions of my boyfriend. A little background, I am planning to go school full time soon so in order to save money I decided to sale my vehicle. I am using public transportation all the time which is not great but is all what I can do now. I work evening shift so my bf sometimes comes at midnight and picks me up from work and drives me home, which I am grateful for. Now, this is what happened 3 weeks ago, my bf of 3 years invited me to a wedding. He said one of his good friends is doing a wonderful wedding reception and wants me to go. I agreed. 4 days after he invited me he says if he can borrow from me $500 and he will give me the money back next paycheck.. I agreed (because I know he drives me from work to home almost every night) and I gave him the money. Next day he showed me he bought a new outfit for the wedding. I told him I am not going to buy or rent a dress. I have one that I never used so it is very elegant and its appropriate for the occasion he says is fine. At first he says the Wedding is going to be Sunday 7th at night. I was prepared to be ready for that day. Saturday he show up in my place saying that they will have a little bachelor party for the groom and it will be only guys (henna party cuz they are arab and its a tradition) then Sunday the reception. So he left for the "bachelor" party. I called him around 11 pm he never picked up the calls until after 1 am he calls back he said the henna party was beautiful and its done so we can meet next day.

I waited Sunday for him to tell me what time was coming to pick me up. He didnt call. I called him around 2 pm and asked, He said to me ok I will pick you up at 6pm, its starts at 7pm. I took shower, started my make up, hair etc etc when he calls me at 5pm saying "Hey I am sorry the wedding is cancelled, actually the venue is strictly for family. I cant even attend.." I was furious because i didnt believe a word of what he said I told him that he only wanted me to believe that I will go to that wedding so he could ask me for money and buy the outfits..and since the beginning he knew he is not going to take me there..That Sunday After hours he sent me a picture of him and his friends included the newly married guy playing pool and the location where they were..

I am so disappointment and I am heart broken, I am feeling used, like he played with my good intentions. I called him and remind him about the money he says he will give it to me. And thats all. Not even an apologies...I dont know why I cant believe in what he says and I am feeling very confused.

View related questions: money, wedding

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (11 May 2017):

aunt honesty agony auntSo he went to the wedding and lied to you? Honestly if that is how LITTLE he thinks off you I would end it. How could you spend three years with someone who cares very little about your feelings. He sounds like a teenager not an adult. You can do much better than that. He should have been honest with you, he tricked you, and we don't trick people we care about.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 May 2017):

I read what you wrote and I thought young adult maybe 19 or 20. You were used for the money.

Do not feel like you owe him because he gave you rides home from work. He was your boyfriend that is what he should have done because he cares about you and your being safe.

Then there is the way he lied to you.

He went to the wedding and outright lied to can you even begin to ever trust this lieing man again. Really I think you can do much better than a lieing mooch. What will be next? Leave him for someone who is honest and who can actually support themselves.

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