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How long is this empty feeling inside me going to last, after breaking up with by bf??

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Question - (3 July 2008) 3 Answers - (Newest, 3 July 2008)
A female Canada age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Me and my bf broke up a month ago, and I am so heart broken. We were on and off for 3 years (today would have been our 3 yrs anniversary) and this is the second time we've broken up for real. We broke up last year too for 8 months and then got back together. Last year was really bad for me, I was very very sad, I kept on telling him I wanted him back, got rejected many times, looked for rebounds, and did the friends-with-benefits thing with him.

This time I feel that I am a little more mature about the break up. I dont feel a need to go find someone new right away, and this time I have actually been able to go cold turkey from talking to him. I do feel very empty inside though. Its kind of like I'm blocking him out, everything about him, the good times and bad times, and all I have left is an empty feeling. It feels like there is no point in doing anything, because at the end of the day, he's not here anymore. How long is this going to last? He is the first and only person I truly loved and it hurts so much.

View related questions: anniversary, broke up, got back together

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A female reader, Wisha United Kingdom +, writes (3 July 2008):

Wisha agony auntTo be honest, no one can tell you chick how long you are going to feel different. It may be a month, it might be 6 months, it might be a year. I was having a lot of trouble to get over my ex. It took me a year! One day i just realised i have to live my life the way i want to, i went out with my friends and if i felt i wanted to talk to him i would ring someone else! All my family said i will look back one day and laugh becuase of the mess i had got myself into. And you know what...i can. Of course i still love him, he was my first love. But at least now i can go out and meet new people. Im sure you will be fine, and you know im sure he is missing you too! I hope you find happiness, someone is out there waiting for you. Good luck. xxx

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A female reader, lexilou United Kingdom +, writes (3 July 2008):

lexilou agony auntim sorry your feeling so sad right now. Its a horrible feeling losing the one you love.

I wish I could tell you that in 3 months, 5 days, 6 hours, 20 minutes and 5 seconds the pain will just stop, but I cant. There is no answer to this. I could tell you to go and meet someone new, try new hobbies and make new friends, take your mind off it etc etc but that still wont help as right now you dont want too.

Cry, get it all out of your system, scream at the walls, stomp your feet if it makes you feel better and one day you will wake up and it wont hit you the minute you open your eyes, it may take a few minutes, another day it may take an hour. Eventually you will realise you havent thought about if for days. Time is a great healer and it will fade. So try and be positive as hard as it is, this is not forever, just take each day as it comes. I wish you luck x

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A female reader, cutiemax09 United Kingdom +, writes (3 July 2008):

cutiemax09 agony auntHonestly since you really love him alot that empty spot is going to be there for quite a while i would say about a month or two. I know it feels like you would never fall in love again but don't feel that way keep your head up high and move on with your life. Take Care!!!

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