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How can I tell him I'm crazy about him?

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (23 October 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 24 October 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, *uck77 writes:

I've liked this guy for 4 years now and it basically started like he would throw stuff at me and call me names and he'd act like he hated me and now when I see him he doesn't say a word to me. I asked him two summers ago if he liked me and he said yes, then in the winter I asked him over texting if he was lying about it and he denied the entire thing and I know for a fact he said he liked me. I really don't know what to do though. He said he wanted to be friends and he won't talk to me.

Two weeks ago he tried to say hi to me but all I heard was a h- lol. He is nervous around me and I can tell. He stares at me whenever he's around me. I have nooo clue what to do. He doesn't live near me but his house is walking distance and I can honestly say I'm so in love with him. I don't know what to do about it... so can you guys give me advice on what to do and tell me what to look for if a guy likes you. oh and also hes 16 and I'm 18.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (24 October 2008):

I've had this problem with a girl before too, when I was much younger. The only sure fire way is to truly tell him how you feel about him, 1-on-1, so he wont get nervous or embarrased. You can try to get him alone by asking for his advice on something. Don't be shy; If he can't stop looking at you, its a really good sign that's hes crazy about you too.

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