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He's well can I handle him comfortably in regards to oral sex?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (23 October 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 23 October 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, *hugtoddler writes:

my problem is that my fiance and i recently started to get intimate. yes, he is well endowed,but ive learned to handle that. what i havent learned to handle is giving him fellatio. he is often aggressive,and sometimes tries to deep-throat me and that can be quite uncomfortable. how can i learn to give the pleasure he needs w/o choking, gagging,and at my comfort level?(or am i asking 4 the impossible.....)

View related questions: fiance, oral sex

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 October 2008):

Well...without necessarily deceaving him, using your hands primarily while doing what you can will help...i mean, this is your fiance..i would be str8 up and say, have an amazing co** and although i can handle you doing certain things, you are so huge it is hard to take you all in....let him be aware that he hits your gag reflex or whatever...he has more than likely encountered this before, but it is impt that he knows you are willing to do what you can but it is a little difficult because of size...if he has an issue with you saying it is hard cause he is soo huge, well he is an idiot!

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