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He's kind of different now and I don't know what to do!

Tagged as: Friends, Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 March 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 12 March 2011)
A female Canada age 26-29, *?22475 writes:

Today I had an awkward moment with the guy that I like. Today he was really tired today but was in a good mood so I was lucky. Well to start I was hugging him and I asked him if he thought I was indecisive and he said yes and then I also asked if I was overly emotional and he said yes again. So while I was still holding him I asked does my being overly emotional bother him and he looked at me weird and said why would you ask that? So we sat on the couch with my other friend and we poked at him for fun. I totally knew he wasn't sleeping though. I decided not to show any emotion which ended in 30 secs because it was really boring . I asked him what was wrong with being overly emotional and he said there is nothing bad about it but having no emotion doesn't help. So then when we were mixed up and he stood beside me each time and we talked and fooled around a little bit. So after class hes like I'm really tired so I gave him a hug and told him go home and rest and he said that he had to tutor someone. When I looked up I saw someone we both knew staring at us and for the first time he pulled away from me. I wonder if me being indecisive (which I don't think I am) and overly emotional really does bother him. I also wanted to know if he was pulling away because he was feeling awkward or if he had to go. My BFF says that he seems to like me but sometimes I think he doesn't. In fact I asked if he hated me once and he said no but sometimes I have an attitude. Later it's like he completley forgot about it and we just started hugging from there. His hugging has changed a bit too. Like before when we hugged he'd pat me on the back and i'd be like wtf?! But now he's actually hugging back. I understand why he didn't really hug back since he is a very family oriented person and he wants parental approval. Actually when I was sick he wanted to make sure I was okay and when i started getting a headache he gave me a hug so that was actually a first and he was actually holding me so that was a first. But now that he is kinda different what do i do now?

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A female reader, ??22475 Canada +, writes (12 March 2011):

??22475 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Well today things just changed for the worse. To start I was hugging him and well he just didn't seem into it today. When people started looking he said awkward and our teacher said are you two an item? So then we both said no then our hug just melted away. Ahhh I don't think he likes me anymore so what's the point of me liking him???

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