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He's just split up with his gf...should I tell him I love him?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 February 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 3 February 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *ozzy the Confused! writes:

I have a friend, who lives in Bath and i live in Cardiff. we've become so close that we tell each other everything, but now i think i love him, and i think he loves me too, but hes just split up with his girlfriend, shud i tell him how i feel?

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A female reader, Girl In Love United Kingdom +, writes (3 February 2007):

I Think That You Should tell Him About Your Feelings, Ask Him If he feels The Same, But Remember To tell Him How Hard It Was To Do This Just After He Had Got Out Of A Relationship. Good Luck x

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A female reader, cd206 United Kingdom +, writes (3 February 2007):

cd206 agony auntIf you don't give him time to get over his ex, then even if he says yes to being with you you'll be the rebound girl and your relationship won't last. Be there for him when he gets over her and when the time is right to ask him out you'll know.


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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (3 February 2007):

AskEve agony auntNo, give him time to get over his ex. You'll only confuse him. He needs to sort his head and his emotions out. If you let him know how you feel about him just now he might get with you for the wrong reasons, on the rebound?

Just continue to be his friend and tell him you're sorry to hear he broke up with his girlfriend and that you're there if he needs to talk.


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