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He wants to try again... should I risk being hurt again?

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Question - (8 February 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 8 February 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Where to start?? well....i had this boyfriend last year who i fell for very badly... and i really thought we could last. I lost my virginity to him and i really wanted us to work. He made me smile and i couldn't stop thinking about him...or talking about him but he wasn't ready for a serious relationship i dont think. He had been hurt very badly by his ex and i dont think he was fully over her, so i felt like a rebound girl.

It was ok for a while.. but then he stopped seeing me as much, he would text and flirt with other girls, and would rather go out in his mate's car than be with me... i didnt know what to do and i would always hear stories from my friends about him....he said they got involved too much....We ended up splitting up and it hurt me badly...i ended up feeling like i cant trust any boys and didnt want to look for anyone else

But its been about 5 months now, and hes started creeping back into my life, he really sounded genuine,saying he wanted to try things with us but i dont no wether i should try risking it again?? or wether i should just get hurt again?? am i being a mug for even thinking about it?? I really want to and im hoping he's changed but im not sure, can people change?. My friends say i shouldnt and i do usually listen because they always know best. The only thing is he hasnt really made that much of an effort so i am just so confused with what to do....??? i really want to trust him, but can i ?? please help!! :( thankyou x x x x

View related questions: flirt, his ex, lost my virginity, text

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A female reader, cd206 United Kingdom +, writes (8 February 2007):

cd206 agony auntI think if he really wants you back he should be prepared to make that effort. At his age boys mature fast so a guy who's totally immature at 16 could be much better by 17 but there are no guarantees he won't hurt you again. You need to be sure you want this if you do get back with him. Bear in mind that it won't be the same as last time whatever happens.


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A male reader, Nico United Kingdom +, writes (8 February 2007):

Nico agony auntHi,

All i have to say is never go backwards in life, it causes too much problems and some people say thay changed when they really haven't and is it worth getting hurt all over again? Think of how bad you felt the first time around and if you could imagine going through the pain again then go for it, but in my past experiance going backwards is never the option! Move forward with your life, your still young and i'm sure your very attractive and can get any person you wanted!

Good Luck! x

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