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He says lets take it slow but I don't see much effort

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 October 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 1 October 2010)
A female United States age 41-50, *bold writes:

i moved outfrom my husband last year,because someone told me he was messing with their sister. during that time i started daing someone from my past. my husband tried to come back and i wouldn't let.then the girl told me 3 mths ago that she lied an that she was sorry. i tld him an i aplogized several times he doesn't seem to care. i mean he still gives me money for me nd the kids but we livein different places. an time to time we engage in sexual activity but i dont know what to do, he says lets take it slow but i dont see him puttin forth any effort an he has a female friend . wat should i do ?

View related questions: money, moved out

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (1 October 2010):

aunt honesty agony auntFirstly you shouldnt have finished with your husband so quickly without getting the full story do you realise how much you must have hurt him by doing this??

Well i would say your husband has a barrier up as he doesnt want you to hurt him again and that is why he wants to take it slowely, its good to hear he is still giving you money towards the children, but as for you having sex i would recommend that you stop doing this as it sounds like he doesnt want to commit to you now and you are basically letting him use you for sex.

Get down on your hands and knee's if you have to and beg forgiveness, but tell him firmly that if you'se cant get back together that you are not going to continue sleeping with him as one of you will end up getting hurt.


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