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He is my guy now, but his ex still calls him Babe and talks all nice to him!

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Question - (13 July 2007) 5 Answers - (Newest, 17 July 2007)
A female age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I am in this same situation! My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 5 months now, and I realized that he still contacts his ex girlfriend. They dated for about 7 months or so. My boyfriend and I started off as friends, and I've helped him through a lot. He even told me that his gf at that time couldn't help him the way I do, she didn't do things I did. But hey, that's what friends are for right? Time passed and he began to move towards me, he then told her how he felt...and about 4 months later we started dating. I always knew though that I had no part/any reason for why they broke up. I had feelings for him, but I never showed it because I know it would be wrong! He made his own choice and I accepted it. So recently, doing what MOST gfs would do...I checked his emails. I mean, why not? There should be NOTHING to hide, right? Then I saw that he was talking to his ex. I was reading them, and I do see that he tells her about me. She says she's "HAPPY" for us. She's glad that he's w/ me blahblahlah. And then out of no where, he tells her he isn't feeling too well or whatever and she goes "aww well okay ill let you go sleep. Goodnight babe". BABE!? UHH excuse me. How are you going to be happy for us, but got some nerves to call him babe? You don't say that. This girl needs to have some respect for me. She needs to back off. Then there are recent emails that says she wants to hang with him. She tells him she "misses his presence". Okay, what presence!? There's NO presence between them anymore! She should really get over it. We argued about this a few times, I told him how I felt. I know this girls been through some emo type things, and he claims to be the only one who changed her life completely. He says he's the only one that ever loved her, she's been through some rough life. I am PRETTY darn sure if she would move on and talk/meet other people she would be JUST FINE, there's more than just ONE. I just hate thinking about it...I made things so obvious to him, its like he's clueless about it. I don't want to be like "okay stop talking to her" because I shouldn't have to tell him, he can figure that out himself. Im not being a bad girlfriend, even though sometimes I feel as if I've said too much. I even told him I would NEVER bring another person between us, I would NEVER contiunue something if it bothers him. I told him he needs to give his all in our relationship....I told him all the attention should come to us/me. Not her, why is she still apart of him...he says there's nothing more. And he says he can't see himself being w/ her again..its just not the same for me. I can't share him with someone else im sorry. I can't and won't shake it off. I don't want to have reminder, I don't want to think that he DID have sex with her, he did once loved her, and yet she still contacts him. HAVE SOME RESPECT!! Im not about to carry on this relationship holding a grudge within me. It won't be right, it won't be fair. he told me he's told her before about how I feel and that she needs to stop acting like how "she used" to be. Im trying to believe it, because I trust him. She just won't budge. She talks to him all nicely and acting it up, but I KNOW she's just saying things to hide that she really wants him back. She's SUGARCOATING everything, quit faking the funk. It bugs me! What do I do?! Am I just overreacting??

View related questions: broke up, ex girlfriend, his ex, move on

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 July 2007):

i dont think ur over reacting...b/c i have the same situtation :( and i freakin hate it...she doesnt call him all the time but more than i want...once in a while ok fine but 3 times in one month hell i know how u feel and its not right...but what can you do about it...if he doesnt care he doesnt care...either stay or leave you know

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A female reader, flower girl United Kingdom +, writes (13 July 2007):

flower girl agony auntFirstly i would just like to say i have been with my husband for twelve years and i never have and never would check his emails or his phone as it is a serious invasion of privacy, so i would not say that it is normal to do that.

When it comes to the babe thing, maybe thats just the way she addresses people as i do, my best friend is married to one of my exes and i call him babe and nether her or my husband has a problem with it, i think you need to chill out babe as he is with you now and if he did not want to be he wouldn't.

Take care.xx.

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A female reader, kit_e_kat United Kingdom +, writes (13 July 2007):

kit_e_kat agony auntDon't worry urself about it, i've bin through a similar thing. My boyfriend is best friends with both his ex's and it still annoys me even though they broke up ages ago. I know how you feel i never wanted to be the kind of girl thats stops her guy talking to his friends but that doesn't mean it i can forget about the fact that he went out with these girls and shares a past with them. I like you trust my boyfriend completely too. So what i suggest you do is calmly (no arguments) tell him that you trust him, that you are uncomfortable with the situation, that you don't want him to NEVER speak to this girl again, but you are his girlfriend and that he should respect where you are coming from. As for her if you guys love and trust each other that much then don't let the girl bug you, she isn't worth you wasting your time, he's your guy now, she had her chance.

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A female reader, Beckto United States +, writes (13 July 2007):

Beckto agony auntPenta is right.

You are invading his privacy and he would be valid to be mad at you for that. Just because you're with someone doesn't mean you have access to every part of their life.

If you trust him, then trust him! You can't do anything about her.

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A female reader, penta United States +, writes (13 July 2007):

penta agony auntHe's your guy now. (End the sentence there.) You don't have to trust her, you have to trust him. And if you do, let this go. Reading his e-mail (big mistake) and acting all jealous are ways to push him away. IGNORE HER.

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