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Guys: What kind of colors/clothes do you like girls to wear?

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Question - (5 February 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 6 February 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

guys, what kind of clothes do you like girls to wear? do you like dresses or the casual, sweatshirt look? do any specific colors catch your eye?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (6 February 2009):

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thanks! i'm just wondering what you (if you're a guy), in particular, like.

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A male reader, lovelynightmare United States +, writes (6 February 2009):

lovelynightmare agony auntFor colors, I am attracted to pink, red or blue on females.

For clothes, dresses (no particular kind) are really a turn on for me.

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A female reader, aunty_rach United Kingdom +, writes (5 February 2009):

hey you shouldn't dress in clothes just to please a guy. you should wear clothes that make you feel nice and colours that you like. some colours may not suit you, where others do. so if a guy says red, it does not mean it will suit you.

always dress for yourself before someone else.

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A male reader, ArmyMedic United Kingdom +, writes (5 February 2009):

ArmyMedic agony auntEverybody has different tastes. I like girls to dress smart casual, Jeans/skirt, a nice top and boots/shoes. Colour doesn't matter too much. But that is just me other guys like different things and it depends on what kind of guy you want to attract.

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