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Friendships with married man. Which one is worse?

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Question - (23 October 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 23 October 2008)
A female age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I became a friend with this military guy who's married in a duty he was on a year and a half ago. I felt like we hang out pretty well, although we only met 2 times. Nothing sexual, since then we've being in touch by emails. He was stationed in Korea with his family but he never being introduced me his wife. We are friends, they got assigned to the U.S. again and still in touch.

He says he enjoys our friendship and communications and that's really great I keep in touch with him. He cares about my well being and we update each others lives.

Now, I've met a month ago another GI who's married too. But this one is a big flirt. he looks at me, give me strong eye contact and likes o flirt.This one is hot and a temptation (the other too, but we are friends and long distance). I have no intention on cheating with either, but I guess which one is worst. Emotional or physical thing going on? In you have bonded with someone?

View related questions: flirt, long distance, married man, military

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A female reader, Serenity1 United States +, writes (23 October 2008):

Serenity1 agony auntI agree with the first response to a certain extent, but you can't make the friends be faithful to their wives. If you don't fulfill your temptations someone else will trust me. My husband is in the Army and he's always out of state or the country. He meets women every where he goes and 9 times out of 10 he gets his needs met. Needless to say we're seperated, and in the process of a divorce.

My suggestion for you would be to follow your heart but don't expect anything from these friendships but occassional emotional/physical support because that's probably all you will get. Not only are they married to their wives but they are also married to the military.

Best Hopes


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A female reader, Sweet-thing United Kingdom +, writes (23 October 2008):

Sweet-thing agony auntYou really need to form friendships and relationships with some single men. But I know some people tend to gravitate toward a married person because they like the challenge of knowing they can cause a person to stray and be unfaithful. It's a power trip. Some people tend to only form romantic bonds with a married person because if it fails, you can always blame the wife and the fact that he never divorced her. It's a way to prevent yourself from feeling like a total failure. It sounds better inside our heads if we say, "Well I knew it was never going to work out, because he's married.." rather than telling ourselves, "I don't know why we didn't work out - I guess he just wasn't into me".....But you are setting yourself up for two major emotional problems. 1. A dead end. or 2. Enormous guilt. Afterall, how would you like it if your husband was flirting or having an emotional affair with some other chick behind your back while you're taking care of his kids, and keeping the fires burning on the home front expecting him to return to you? You really need to cut ties with both men and focus your attention on someone who's not married. Good luck

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