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Friends... or is she ignoring me?

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 May 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 6 May 2009)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Heya everyone,

I've liked this girl, for about a year now (I think), I asked her out a while ago and she said yes but we didn't eventually. A couple of months ago she started getting close to one of my best friends (not bf and gf, just close mates) and she's being not as talkative to me.

Since this I've started to get really jealous and annoyed at her even when I don't want to. A few weeks later we talked to each other about everything (me liking her etc), she said that nothing was gonna happen between us and that she's been giving me the cold shoulder to make me stop liking her and that she'll keep doing it until I stop liking her.

Back to now: I still get jealous every now and then but I'm sure I don't like her. Yet she doesn't seem to want to talk to me. We do talk but I have to start talking to her to start a conversation and when we do talk I get the feeling she doesn't want to (she's using short sentences and not really asking any questions back).

She talks to my friends just fine but sorta doesn't involve me in the convo. Usually IF I talk to her, it's usually in a group and when I say something she tends to not care in what I have to say, but when someone else talks after me she gets back into the convo.

Does she still want to be friends and stuff? Is she still giving me the cold shoulder?

Thanks, sorry for the long post

View related questions: best friend, jealous

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (6 May 2009):

Thanks for your advice and help :)

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A female reader, kellyxxx United Kingdom +, writes (5 May 2009):

kellyxxx agony auntYes she's still giving you the cold shoulder. The best treatment for this is to ignore her, act as if she doesn't exist, soon enough she'll start talking to you again because she'll miss the attention and want your friendship! X

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A female reader, hailey_heartbroken United Kingdom +, writes (5 May 2009):

this girl sounds like a very immature teenager.

You probably dont like her its the fact that she rejects you that your jealous, a common cause if she started wanting you, you wouldnt be interested.

If there is a conversation dont get involved, try and set your targets to new things, a hobbie or a new girl :) dont be around so much,

She likes the fact that you are there like a puppy and she has hold over you even though she acts like she dont.

Move on and it will either go two ways...she will start to like you or she will calm down and start being mature.

I have been in exactly the same situation and when i moved on he came running after me..or at least when i pretended to move on.

You will then see how sad she looks and how sad you made yourself is hard but try and give it a shot...people like that need to be played at their own game

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A female reader, ilovebowsandcherries United Kingdom +, writes (5 May 2009):

ilovebowsandcherries agony auntto be honest i think she's being too wrapped up in herself she said she is giving you the cold sholder utnil you're "over" her but what she is doing is she is she is ignoring you until you get the message.

which she still seems to think you like her and are still after her trying to make conversation she is shallow to be honest.

it's like she doesn't care much for your conversation with her.

she's being too wrapped up in herself to even want to make a conversation last with you she'd rather talk to other people.

my advice is don't bother talking to her!

she's made it clear she doesn't want your friendship so i wouldn't even give her the satisfaction of offering her your friendship if she is going to throw it back in your face.

you treat her the way she's been treating you she'll soon know what if feels like to be treated like that and have friendship thrown in her face when you're just trying to be civil.

Hope this helps x x X x x

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