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For females, are squirting and orgasms two separate things or when a female squirts is that the orgasm?

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Question - (27 March 2013) 4 Answers - (Newest, 29 March 2013)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

For females, are squirting and orgasms two separate things or when a female squirts is that the orgasm??

I have squirted three times but don't ever remember feeling that big "O" moment where my body shook uncontrollably.. I don't know if I've truly had an orgasm. Can someone elaborate??

View related questions: orgasm, squirt

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A female reader, Dizzy Lizzy  United States +, writes (29 March 2013):

Dizzy Lizzy  agony auntI recently had 3 episodes where I squirted, out of those three times the second time I was able to feel the big O.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (28 March 2013):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI have squirted ONCE in my life... I did not orgasm at the time.

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A female reader, jenlarlham United States +, writes (28 March 2013):

I have always had an orgasm when I have squirted. Although, some have been way harder than others

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A female reader, person12345 United States +, writes (27 March 2013):

person12345 agony auntThey are separate things. They usually/often happen at the same time but are two different things. You can definitely squirt without an orgasm.

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