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Did I make a mistake by confronting the woman I suspect had an affair with my hubby?

Tagged as: Cheating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 February 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 February 2009)
A female United States age 36-40, *veryminute writes:

Ok, a few years ago I think my husband had a affair with his cousin's wife who is also my best friend. I never caught them in the act but my instinct tells me something was going on. Signs after signs like she knew things about him before I did or he would want to go see a movie that's not usually his type and I see her later and she wants to see the same movie or at different times they would say the same exact sentences word from word... and I can go on and on. This went on for almost a year. I was hurt but I didnt say much at the time cause I was scare but about two years ago it started to really bother me. I tried to trick my husband by telling him that she told me about their affair but he still wouldnt admit ( I did the same thing shortly after all this stopped and he got really scared but I was affraid to know the truth so I stopped bugging him about it).

I wanted to ask her directly but I just couldnt do it cuz I didnt have any prove so I told her that he had told me that he had an affair with someone I know a couple years back but he wouldnt tell me who. She acted like she didnt know what I was talking about. A couple months later she said that she felt I was talking about her and that it wasnt her. Since then things between me and her have been kind of akward. Did I made a mistake by asking her when I didnt even have prove or was she just trying to cover her butt. Cuz if there really was an affair between the two of them I dont think either one of them would ever tell me anyways.

View related questions: affair, best friend, cousin

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A male reader, cupids_friend United States +, writes (26 February 2009):

Well I have to say gut says something is going well then most of the time then it did happen and about your friend well then if she does not want to confront you well then something happend or else she would have nothing to hide and the next time that your husband goes to the movies and it seems weird well after he leaves the go out to the movies with some friends and see who he goes with and try and bust them this is something that you do not want to drop you will kill yourself with the what ifs

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