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Dating this guy...Then he seems to vanish into thin air!

Tagged as: Breaking up<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 July 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 14 July 2008)
A female United States age 41-50, *EY2URHEART32 writes:

I was seeing this guy for approximately six weeks things were going fine between us. We spoke every other day two or three times and it was mostly him calling me. He showed genuine interest in me. We are both Cancers and our birthdays are approaching we made plans to get together for our birthdays. Anyway, on June 11th he ask me out on a date for June 14th. On June 13th I attempted to reach him by phone but learned that his telephone was broken via a message he left on his phone. So I figured I would just give him time to get his phone situation resolved. A week and a half passed and still had not heard from him. His phone is still disconnected. So then I decided to make a visit to his home when I got there he did not come to his door. So I left a note under his door with my telephone number. He called me the very next morning and stated that he had gotten my letter but what is it that his neighbor tells him that I was with another guy. (This is a flat out lie) I was by myself. Any way,he then said that there was something he needed to talk to me about...but I have not heard back from him and it's already a week pass. I don't know what to think and need some advise. Can someone please help me.

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A female reader, dearkelja United States +, writes (14 July 2008):

dearkelja agony auntWell, I am glad that he did provide a small slice of closure and that you at least get to know it is not you. Yes, probably something did come up that he did not expect and that meant he could not continue with you. I think you handled the situation well.

I will say, lately I have seen and heard of so many "it's not you but I can't be in this relationship" situations that I am beginning to wonder how any relationships survive.

Take good care of yourself and realize that it wasn't meant to be. Good things are just around the corner.

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A female reader, KEY2URHEART32 United States +, writes (13 July 2008):

KEY2URHEART32 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Hey all, I just wanted to provide an update to my situation, I justed wanted to let you all know that on July 11, 2008, I heard from the guy I was dating, he called to wish me a happy birthday, however, he did not provide any explaination as to why he just stopped calling. I asked him what was going on with him and why he just stop calling but he would not say, He just said tha it has nothing to do with me ("it's not you") and that he just wanted to wish me a happy birthday. So there it is...I don't know whether I will ever hear from him gut tells me that something happened that he can't get out of right now...He sound really depressed over the phone...I just ended a the phone call with a goodbye and not asking him if I would hear from him heart is broken amd I really miss him...but I have to move forward with my life.

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A female reader, dearkelja United States +, writes (6 July 2008):

dearkelja agony auntBasically this guy stood you up as you were to have gone out on June 14. Then he didn't contact you for a week and a half-which he could have done broken phone or not. Then he tried to make you look like you were cheating on him and now he is avoiding you.

I agree that he is most likely taking the cowards way out and probably meant to break up with you or would have given the chance. I'd say the fact that you two were close before and the pattern has changed now that he most likely did intend to break up...or in his world slide out.

I'm sorry this happened to you in this way. It is so very hurtful and this man has no idea what he has put you though. It would have been far kinder to have just told you he wasn't interested, at least this way you could have dealt with the honesty.

The same exact thing happened to me and I'd say it was the same guy but his birthday is in February.

I'm sorry!

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A female reader, starfairy United Kingdom +, writes (6 July 2008):

starfairy agony auntThere could be all kinds of reasons why he might be acting funny...But my first impression (and I could be wrong, as I don't know him) was that he was taking the cowards way out of breaking up with you...

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