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Could this scatterbrain move have offended him?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 September 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 19 September 2010)
A female Ireland age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I've done something stupid! Been asked on a date by a lovely guy from work. He's organised it, told me it'll be outside, hands on, and a new experience. Asked him for another clue, and he said "you'll have to take responsibility for a situation". I sent my friend a text saying "I've received one last clue-it'll involve me taking responsbility for a situation. what can it mean? he's going to learn that I'm an irresponsible scatter brain!" BUT have just realised I sent it to him by mistake. He hasn't replied! Could what I wrote be seen as offensive to him in any way? What do you think he thinks of it? I'm so embarrassed! Thanks :)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 September 2010):

Original poster: Thanks, I know, I am a complete idiot! He hasn't said anything, so I'm just going to apologise when I see him tomorrow and hope he's not annoyed and that I haven't messed everything up. :) xx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 September 2010):

No it won't offend him, in fact he probably finds that cute.

Better text him back and say oops haha :P looking forward to seeing what you have in store, hopefully my scatter brain can handle it ;)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 September 2010):

He might think of it as being cute, that you're semi-worried about it and obviously talking to your friends about it. Being scatter brained isn't offensive... I think you're fine doll! :)

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A female reader, Anonymous 123 Italy +, writes (19 September 2010):

Anonymous 123 agony auntOK..the message per se is not what will offend him, but the idea of you discussing his every move with your friend most certainly will.My boyfriend hates it whenever I tell him I talk about him with my best friend.He feels that our relationship is for us to know, and not for the world. Probably this guy would feel the same way.

But Again, be honest. Tell him it was a mistake, but girls tell their best friends you were just anticipating the date and discussing it with your friend. If he still feels you shouldn't, tell him you wont do it again. Its not that big a deal.

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