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Can I get herpes from being fingered?

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Question - (10 July 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 11 July 2011)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Yesterday I got fingered for the first time by my boyfriend and it hurt when we tried the first couple of times but then it was fine. He washed his hands before and after and his nails were cut so everything was clean.This morning though I was a little sore and it hurt around the opening when i touched it a little-is this normal? Can you also get herpes like this even though he's clean and there was no cuts anywhere? I have a little bump just on the opening of my vagina but that has been there way before we started doing anything and its more a skin tag (no redness or pus or anything lol)

Sorry its so long guys! Help a girl out? :)

View related questions: herpes, vagina

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (11 July 2011):

Yes, you can get herpes from being fingered, from oral sex, and from any other object that has the virus on it.

Herpetic Whitlow is herpes on the fingers, it happens, before dentists started using gloves to work on patients, it used to be fairly common as they got HSV Type 1 from their patients mouths.

You can get if from someone, on your fingers, from fingering them as well if they have genital herpes.

I'm an expert on herpes...and I have it as well...

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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (10 July 2011):

chigirl agony auntYou need to educate yourself on STI's. Google them, find a teen magazine that talks about it, or your school nurse, or read a book on it.

No, you don't get herpes from being fingered. And if it hurt when he fingered you it can take time before the soreness goes away, this sounds normal. He was either being too rough with you, or it was unusual and your body reacts this way to it. Every woman is different, some will experience pain, some won't experience any discomforts.

If you were to get infected by an STI in your lifetime, it won't be visible the very next day. Some STI's you carry for life without even knowing they are there, or you don't know about it until it's been there for a while. Herpes you can carry for a lifetime almost without breakouts. Same with genital warts, Hepatitis B, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, close to all of them actually.

You also need to wait some days after exposure before test can be done (variating on the STI in question), or wait until an actual breakout (of genital warts and herpes) before it can be tested for. Some others you can get tested for by blood sample (like HIV and Hepatitis B) and some you test by urine (like Chlamydia).

But, they for most part have an incubation period, the genital warts can take up to a year before appearing. In other words, you wouldn't know about it the very next day. That is why you should use protection when having sex (a condom) and get tested regularly, and also have your partner tested (if they are sexually active).

STI's mainly spread from genital contact, however oral herpes spreads from mouth to mouth contact, or mouth to genitals, and Gonorrhea can also on rare cases spread through oral to genital contact. Fingers do not carry STI's, and only some STI's are carried by blood (HIV and Hepatitis B for example). Herpes is not carried by blood. You can't get herpes from being fingered.

Read more about this and get a better overview on how you can get infected by STI's, and how to avoid it. Don't let all the information scare you though. The simplest and best way to avoid an STI is to:

Get tested regularly

Always use a condom when you have sex with a new partner

And get your partner tested before you stop using the condom (if you want to move on to other methods of contraception).

As long as you do these things you will be fine. Most STI's are treatable, and not life threatening.

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A female reader, fishdish United States +, writes (10 July 2011):

fishdish agony auntI'm pretty sure herpes doesn't show up overnight, and you already said you had that bump before hand, so it's really just your vagina adjusting to a stretch. What you're describing is normal,esp if you don't finger yourself ever, you're just swollen from not being used to it. Make sure when your guy does finger you that he goes slow and doesn't jackhammer you with his finger like they do in pornos. Ask him to do it at the pace YOU like and what feels good. It might also help if he licks his finger first or uses lube if you aren't naturally wet down there yet.

This will happen after sex too at least in the beginning.

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