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BF shopping for sex toys with his EX?

Tagged as: Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 April 2013) 6 Answers - (Newest, 12 April 2013)
A female Taiwan age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hello everyone. I am 22, and have been with my boyfriend (elder than me)around 3 years. We are quite sweet recently.

But yesterday he told me that, his female colleague (21 year old, mistress of my bf's friend) invited him to shop sex toy with him and he agreed, claiming that "she wasnt brave enough to go alone".

My boyfriend was honest to me on this issue..but somehow I really can't feel easy on this...... It is a bit weird. I have a few guy good friends but I would never ask them to shop sex toy/underwear or other private stuff with me...

I talked to my boyfriend my feelings, but he thought I am too sensitive.

Is this my problem or am I really too sensitive?

Thank you.

confused girl.

View related questions: his ex, mistress, sex toy

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 April 2013):

Hello, I am the confused girl who post the question.

Thank you for your advises, it would be very helpful for my future..

My BF is 8 years older than me. That girl is his married buddy's mistress but not his EX (I dont know why the title has been changed like this *-*).


In these few days I find out that the real problem is "he simply doesn't care about my feelings". He ignores me when I need a little comfort, expects me to give him privacy but never do the same to me and blames me for only thinking in my shoes..

Anyways I am always there when he needs me.

So now I got to rethink this relationship. :) Thanks everyone :)

confused girl.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (9 April 2013):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI have gone sex toy shopping with my boyfriend, with my husband, with my girlfriends... I can't say that I would never go to a sex toy store with a male friend (I can think of one or two I would go with but I have no intentions of being sexual with them, I just like how they think)

he didn't hide it from you, the title says she's his EX is that true... is your boyfriend's EX girlfriend now his friend's mistress....

and you say your bf is older... HOW MUCH OLDER IS HE?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 April 2013):

If your boyfriend's buddy knew he was shopping with his girlfriend for sex toys, I think he'd punch him out. I would.

This woman is making a big play to seduce your boyfriend by putting him in a setting all about sex. Why didn't she invite you? Why did your boyfriend accept the offer? It stinks to high heaven. He only told you before the other woman got the chance.

It may be innocent, but that is highly unlikely; because he should have refused out of respect for you. She was putting on a show for him by playing with toys he picks out, and creating a sexual image in his head about her.

What is done is done. You may want to tell your boyfriend that you feel very uncomfortable that he would go into a sex shop with anyone but you. Tell him also that you haven't decided; but you may want to know how his buddy feels about it. (Don't do it, just watch the look on his face for saying you would.) If he gets all upset, he knows he did something wrong. He has no right to dismiss how you feel about it, just writing it off as you being too sensitive.

I don't want to create more concern than you already have.

He did bring it out into the open, but it doesn't excuse how inappropriate is was. Inform him that if you find the least bit of evidence that more is going on, he can consider the relationship over and done with between you.

Not one female answering this post would appreciate their boyfriend doing what yours did.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 April 2013):

I wouldnt ask a guy to go to a sex shop with me and I wouldnt be happy if I found out that my BF had gone in one with another girl.

BUT he was honest with you so that counts with something. Ask him not to do something like that again as it make you feel a little insecure. If he care about you that shouldn't be a problem for him.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 April 2013):

Some thing weird here, get rid of him. Its lik he is tell u enough so if you found something it wouldnt look bad, but there is sooooo much more going on, dump his sneeky ass

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A female reader, Honeygirl South Africa +, writes (9 April 2013):

Honeygirl agony auntHon I feel that there is more to the issue than your bf has told you.

It is a very personal thing to shop for sex toys, if she is already your bf's best friends mistress, then why didnt she ask him to go with her.

How would you bf have felt if you went with his best friend to choose sex toys? I am sure he would have been royally p*ssed off - so no you are not being over sensitive. He is being defensive and inconsiderate of your feelings and concerns.

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